Patrick Fitzgerald knew the identity of the leaker from his very first day in the special counsel’s chair, but kept the inquiry open for nearly two more years before indicting I. Lewis Libby on obstruction charges.
Source: New York Times (registration req’d)September 2
FBI Role in Terror Probe Questioned
Government informants provided money and a meeting place for Batiste and his followers, but they also gave them video cameras for conducting surveillance, as well as cellphones, and suggested that their first target be a Miami FBI office.
Source: Washington PostThe NSA asked AT&T Inc. to help it set up a domestic call monitoring site seven months before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, lawyers claimed in court papers filed in New York federal court.
Source: BloombergMore than 20 nations - from Central Asia to Western Europe - colluded in a CIA-run “spider’s web†of secret flights and prisons for abducted terrorism suspects that breach European and international human rights accords.
Source: Knight RidderThe CIA organized Cold War spy networks that included former Nazis and failed to act on a 1958 report that fugitive Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann was living in Argentina, newly released CIA records show.
Source: Washington Post