


November 21

CIA role claim in Kennedy killing

New video and photographic evidence that puts three senior CIA operatives at the scene of Robert Kennedy’s assassination has been brought to light.

It reveals that the operatives and four unidentified associates were at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles in the moments before and after the shooting on 5 June, 1968.

Source: BBC  

Robert Gates Promoted and Financed Osama Bin Laden

By funding Osama Bin Laden’s operations, training camps, weaponry and political influence from 1979 (even before Russia invaded Afghanistan), Robert Gates personally gave us our principal enemy in the “War on Terror.”

Source: Daily Kos Post  

Intelligence, War on Terror

September 25

Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Fuels Terror

The war in Iraq has made global terrorism worse by fanning Islamic radicalism and providing a training ground for lethal methods that are increasingly being exported to other countries.

Source: ABC News  

Telecom Industry’s Ties to US Intelligence

One of the highest-level executives at Verizon, alleged to be providing the National Security Agency with customer phone records under contract and without a warrant, has strong, decades-long ties to Central Intelligence.

Source: Global Research  

What Valerie Plame Really Did at the CIA

The Joint Task Force on Iraq was trying to find evidence that would back up the White House’s assertion that Iraq was a WMD danger. Its chief of operations was a career undercover officer named Valerie Wilson.

Source: The Nation  
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