

The essence of journalism is skepticism, questioning and a dedication to finding the truth. Legitimate journalism is no longer being practiced in the US by the mass/corporate media.

Integrity in journalism requires independence from influence and an outsider perspective. Yet, almost all reporters, newscasters and producers with any voice, work for corporations whose sole purpose is to maximize short term profits.



  1. Wikipedia: Journalism

  2. Seymour Hersh




True journalism must evolve outside the traditional corporate network model. Independent journalists, publicly funded, and non-profit media organizations are on the leading edge of a new media model.

The public is increasingly skeptical of the corporate media. Journalism is being reborn on the internet, in the streets and public access television. Populist media is beginning to even the playing field in the battle for truth.

The internet is likely the most revolutionary new journalistic tool. Essentially, it gives the average person the opportunity to be the mass media. Anyone can create a webpage that can then be read by the whole world. Hopefully, the internet will begin to even out the competition in the “marketplace of ideas.”

Journalism is also about investigation and access. Investigative journalism requires time, connections, and resources. Alternative journalists need to gain more access and resources to carry out crucial investigative journalism.