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Peak Oil Editorial: End of the world as we know it (10 posts)

  1. truthmod

    This guy doesn't mince words...

    Guy R. McPherson
    University of Arizona professor

    You might feel fine, but high oil cost, scarcity mean American Empire is about to come crashing down

    We passed the world oil peak in 2005, and we've been easing down the other side by acquiring oil at the point of a gun - actually, guns are the smallest of the many weapons we're using - paying more for oil and destroying one culture after another as the high price of crude oil forces supply disruptions and power outages in Third World countries.

    The world peaked at 74.3 million barrels per day in May 2005. The two-year decline to 73.2 million barrels per day produced a doubling of the price of crude. Later this year, we fall off the oil-supply cliff, with global supply plummeting below 70 million barrels/day. Oil at merely $100 per barrel will seem like the good old days.

    Within a decade, we'll be staring down the barrel of a crisis: Oil at $400 per barrel brings down the American Empire, the project of globalization and water coming through the taps. Never mind happy motoring through the never-ending suburbs in the Valley of the Sun. In a decade, unemployment will be approaching 100 percent, inflation will be running at 1,000 percent and central heating will be a pipe dream.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. Kim

    Neither does the (now deceased, bless his soul), Dr. Samsam Bakhtiari . . .

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    The Peak Oil Crisis: The First Shortages
    Written by Tom Whipple

    Fuel prices alone are unlikely to bring America to its senses.

    It clearly will take outright shortages with lines at the pumps, curtailed deliveries and many other misfortunes before serious measures to deal with declining oil supplies –- speed limits, rationing, mandatory car pools, improved mass transit -- are taken. Thus the question becomes: how soon?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. chrisc

    the question becomes: how soon?

    Long after there are outright shortages in the rest of the world?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. truthmod


    The US is on the edge of collapse, being the most exposed to energy supply deficit. When the US collapses, global markets will shake. The rest of industrial civilization will eventually downscale, de-globalize, and become a lot less automated.

    Sadly, not everyone is as clued in as Mike Ruppert. And some of the deceived represent the very cutting edge of conspiratorial study today.

    For example, Alex Jones says “Peak Oil is a Corrupt Globalist Scam” and “Russia is ready for unlimited future production of oil”.

    Alex Jones’ article even goes so far as to put Peak Oil in quotes and generalize preposterous things, such as: [“Peak oil” is pure military-industrial-complex propaganda].

    How and why would alternative media collude with top-level scientists and former energy insiders who have independently come together representing themselves as individuals, most having nothing to gain by “inventing” Peak Oil.

    And why is it necessary to invent a natural phenomenon like depletion of a finite resource?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. chrisc

    Hmm that article contains:

    Peak Oil will first devastate that country that uses 25% of the world’s natural resources while having just 5% of the world’s population.

    And I really don't think this is the case, it's already hitting the poor nations first.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. Kim

    Grrrrrrrrr . . . just sent this:

    Subject: Tate Ulsaker article, some objections . . . From: Date: Sat, April 12, 2008 12:49 am To:

    In relation to this article:

    I would like to point out the following:

    1. There are also those in the Peak Oil movement who completely reject the slightest notion the events of September 11th 2001 occurred in anything other than the manner described by the USA Government - this is despite the fact that 70% of the key questions from the 9/11 Families were ignored, mountains of key evidence was completely side stepped (e.g. not even mentioned), and the whole process of the inquiry was shot through with the most appalling conflicts of interest. I would suggest that these people within the Peak Oil movement (in relation to the events of 9/11), are the equivalent of Alex Jones within the "Truth Movement" (in relation to Peak Oil).

    2. Alex Jones is NOT the cutting edge of 9/11 Truth and Justice. Besides the fantastic work of Mike Ruppert, there is also the high profile campaign of Cynthia McKinney (running on a green ticket for President), and this site/group/campaign:

    And there are also my own efforts here, in relation to both issues:

    (A link I've just circulated throughout my entire community, including my local councillors)

    So what was the point of this article, to paint those fighting for 9/11 Truth and Justice as a bunch of wackos just because some individuals have some quite strange and inaccurate views on Peak Oil?

    I would appreciate it if you could publish my comments in reponse (if at all possible), and also pass them on to the author of that article.

    Warm regards, Kim

    Posted 16 years ago #
  8. JennySparks

    chrisc said (but I can't format it properly)

    Hmm that article contains:

    Peak Oil will first devastate that country that uses 25% of the world’s natural

    resources while having just 5% of the world’s population.

    And I really don't think this is the case, it's already hitting the poor nations first.

    I'd predict that the first nations to be hurt would be poor nations with a shaky petrol economy. But those will be the ones to drop/switch it first if they get alternatives. And they won't be too proud to temporarily return to a less commercial existence.

    OTOH the so called developed nations have the capability of weathering the change almost painlessly--except corporate interests don't want to. They'll be dragged kicking and screaming to the table. I don't think it'll be too late, but it will be cutting it fine. And making it harder than it needed to be for everyone else.

    Oh, and thank you for the sane framing of this topic:

    "The end of the world as we know it"



    Too many people go for the WE'RE DOOMED, DO SOMETHING approach.

    These problem would be well on their way to being sorted if we didn't have petrol addicted adult children at the top of the political food chain.

    There is not "magic bullet" but it CAN be sorted without turning into a Mad Max movie.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  9. truthmod

    There is not "magic bullet" but it CAN be sorted without turning into a Mad Max movie.

    Environmental degradation and resource depletion could have been addressed long ago (or as recently as the 1970s), and we would now be in a much more reasonable position. But the realities of stubbornness, greed, and shortsightedness, seem to be inching us toward Mad Max. The global warming outlook (and current reality) is catastrophic, just as the resource, mass extinction, and overpopulation outlooks are as well.

    I don't believe in the doomsaying, but I do believe that many people are able to rationalize away the URGENCY of the situation because they can say to themselves, it's not that bad or it's not going to get that bad. Too bad, tough shit; it already is that bad and worse. Life goes on as normal here in the heart of the empire, but outside the apocalypse has long been going on for poor people, people who's countries we decide to invade, and the entire natural world.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  10. truthmod

    Consensus among POers seems to be that we're at the plateau phase.

    The Record Falls - January 2008 is the New World Record for Crude Oil (plus Condensate) Production

    The EIA’s newest International Petroleum Monthly shows World C+C production for January was 74,466,000 barrels per day, eclipsing the heretofore peak of May 2005 by 168,000 barrels per day. (thanks to Ron Patterson for the heads up and to Khebab for the quick graphics).


    Posted 16 years ago #


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