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Small Town Mayor Exposes Big Truths About CA Department of Food and Agriculture (4 posts)

  1. Victronix

    Recently there's been a war going on between CA citizens and the California Department of the Food and Agriculture, who are undertaking -- trying to -- massive aerial spraying of a pesticide for a moth they claim is "going to be" a threat to the state's agriculture.

    They sprayed once, in Santa Cruz and Monterey, and hundreds of people were sickened and filed reports which the CDFA is trying to deny. The ingredients of the pesticide are being hidden from the public by the corporation who creates it, even though they were ordered to release the information. There was no EIR done and they used a claim of "emergency" to bypass normal state procedures and dump their chemicals on unwitting pedestrians. I've heard anecdotal info that a child almost died (his first asthma attack ever). They have scheduled more spraying, now for the Bay Area, and the situation then exploded. Currently, they have not yet backed down and the schedule to spray remains in effect for June.

    I've been working on the wikipedia page --

    Below is an amazing article by the Mayor of Albany, a registered nurse apparently, on the aerial spraying situation. He really sees through the lies and has done the research. I had no idea this mayor was this astute and courageous. While this is not 9/11, it does illustrate the methods used to try to cover-up the situation.

    A recent (rare!) AP investigation into emails within the CDFA here -

    forced the shut-down of the $500,000 PR campaign. Interestingly, the AP investigation exposed emails that noted that the reason the PR campaign was initiated was specifically because of the highly vocal activist groups and the local legislature Rep., Laird, described as "the enemy." This is proof of how important grassroots activism really is -- a half million dollar PR campaign was the tool in which they were going to try to force this through. Now they have to try to do it without that campaign.

    He's right, it's time to call for the resignation of California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Secretary Kawamura, who appears to have succumbed to the dark side, if not having emerged from there in the first place.

    (I posted the whole article, so edit down as you see fit).

    Aerial Spraying for the Light Brown Apple Moth in California is Dangerous to Our Health and Unnecessary

    By Robert Lieber, RN Mayor, City of Albany

    California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Secretary Kawamura's recent emergency declaration enabling the Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) aerial pesticide spraying of the Bay Area relies on blatant misrepresentations of the truth, fear-mongering and outright lies. The spray program he defends imperils California's families, children, pets, and the environment, based on no real science and no solid facts.

    The real facts are simple. CDFA sprayed Monterey and Santa Cruz counties, and at least 643 people got sick. They reported their illnesses although the State made no infrastructure available. The State only accepted health complaints on offical EPA forms signed by a physician, but physicians were not trained to assess the toxic exposure associated with the spray. Anyone without insurance or access to a physician could not "officially" report health problems. Secretary Kawamura's assertion that there were no adverse reactions to the spray is an outrageous bureaucratic determination, not a true health assessment.

    And that is only the beginning of the Secretary's swift boating. He has the audacity to imply wide support for the spraying from environmental organizations. In fact, the Sierra Club is on record, along with 25 other health and environmental groups, opposing the aerial spraying.

    Make no mistake about it, the chemical used last year, Checkmate, is a pesticide despite Secretary Kawamura's white-washing talk of harmless pheromones. The facts: Checkmate is made up of three components that have either not been tested or are known to be dangerous:

    1) The synthetic moth pheromone: not tested for long-term human exposure risk. The State's own health Consensus Document includes a disclaimer that it is based on studies that assume the pesticide will be sprayed over unpopulated agricultural areas.

    2) The so-called inert ingredients (not inert meaning inactive; "inert" only means they do not target the pest): contain carcinogens, mutagens, reproductive effectors, liver toxins, skin irritants, and are unsafe to inhale.

    3) The microscopic plastic capsules in which the pesticide is sprayed, which time-release over 30 days: Inhalation risk is unknown, but U.C. Davis scientists found some particles are small enough to be inhaled into the deep lung where they cannot be expelled. It doesn't take a scientist to know that can't be good.

    Secretary Kawamura focuses only on the LBAM aerial spraying, ignoring the program's other toxic and questionable practices, including requiring wholesale nurseries to use the organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos, employing state personnel to install traps and use pesticides in private yards that are toxic, especially to cats, honeybees, and the beneficial predators that naturally keep pests in the environment – including LBAM -- in check.

    Secretary Kawamura's fear-mongering comments that, if left unchecked, LBAM will destroy every green plant in the state and possibly the country is contradicted by facts: Even CDFA says there has been no crop damage attributable to LBAM in California. Professional biologists testify that LBAM is a minor pest in New Zealand where it is also an introduced exotic species. New Zealand's biggest LBAM problems are from a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) quarantine, not from actual damage. In addition, entomologists agree that LBAM has likely been in California for 30 years, so if there was going to be crop damage, wouldn't we have seen it by now?

    So now we come to the Big Lie about the "pest that was never a pest." Decades ago, LBAM made it onto a USDA list of supposedly voracious invasive species. To date, I have been unable to find this original designation. The main goal was, I believe, to protect powerful U.S. agriculture interests from competition from crops from New Zealand and similar areas. As a result, today we have the "Light Brown Apple Moth Emergency."

    Secretary Kawamura expresses concern that other states and countries might ban California produce because of LBAM – even though those countries' quarantine restrictions were adopted to mimic the U.S.'s. Note that Europe does not quarantine for LBAM.

    So the plot sickens. It's all about money. Big money. Rather than admit that LBAM is not the threat that's been claimed and request that LBAM's USDA classification be revised based on up-to-date science, Secretary Kawamura is willing to poison us and our environment. And to spend $500,000 on a public relations firm to help "sell" this charade to us.

    I am ashamed of Secretary Kawamura's disgraceful public deception campaign to sell a hopeless, dangerous and likely unneeded "eradication" program to the people. He should immediately call an end to the plans to give us time to make rational decisions based on sustainable, Integrated Pest Management principles. Short of calling off the spray and undertaking sound pest management, he should resign.

    Posted on March 11, 2008

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Hey, I grew up in Albany! I never thought of it as an especially radical place, but it is a very pleasant little town next to Berkeley with some interesting people.

    The spraying does sound creepy. Some people at the Santa Cruz conference reported sicknesses...

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. Victronix

    To me, any mayor who is using the terms he is using - " disgraceful public deception campaign", "blatant misrepresentations of the truth, fear-mongering and outright lies," "So now we come to the Big Lie" -- I mean, this guy really gets it! He's figured out the underlying story, which is amazing:

    "Decades ago, LBAM made it onto a USDA list of supposedly voracious invasive species. To date, I have been unable to find this original designation. The main goal was, I believe, to protect powerful U.S. agriculture interests from competition from crops from New Zealand and similar areas. As a result, today we have the "Light Brown Apple Moth Emergency.""

    No one else had figured this out until now, that the whole reason this moth ever was considered a pest was to protect the US from agriculture competition from New Zealand, decades ago . . .

    I'm just amazed.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. truthmover

    The ingredients of the pesticide are being hidden from the public by the corporation who creates it, even though they were ordered to release the information. There was no EIR done and they used a claim of "emergency" to bypass normal state procedures and dump their chemicals on unwitting pedestrians.

    After hearing Ralph Schoenmann give a lecture for two and half hours in which he very laboriously presented every single article he had that related to the intentional and undisclosed testing of chemicals and biological agents on humans, I have absolutely no trust that the story above is anything other than totally fishy.

    This reminds me just a bit of the MTBE gas additive fiasco, in which the first Bush allowed the chemical to be added to gasoline in order to meet federal guidelines for fuel efficiency when the chemical had not been adequately tested for human toxicity. Turned out later that MTBE for a time was the most highly produced chemical in the country, and some buddies of Bush were making a lot of money in the process.

    Then it was discovered that MTBE was toxic to humans and had quickly leaked out of nearly every gas station tank in the country poisoning nearly all the water in the U.S. Several towns had to be permanently vacated. And nearly every gas storage tank in the country had to be dug up and replaced after the problem was discovered. The water in my home town of Santa Monica became undrinkable in the process, and we had to tap into the LA water system.

    This type of secrecy simply won't stand. I'm really glad to see a public official calling this out with such intensity.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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