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"Philip Shenon's Commission Lays a Few 9/11 Conspiracy Theories to Rest" (4 posts)

  1. truthmod

    A few years ago, I stumbled on a very colorful article from New York magazine about 9/11 conspiracy theories, "The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll." It included the work of one of the theorists, Nick Levis, who categorized our beliefs about why the attacks happened using what he called "HOP" levels.

    After reading The Commission, which peels back much of the "ass-covering" that the actual Commission did in pursuit of its congressional mandate, I've given up my LIHOP-hood. I'm fully on board with the Incompetence Theorists.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. Arabesque

    I've given up my LIHOP-hood. I'm fully on board with the Incompetence Theorists.

    There is no such thing as the 9/11 incompetence theory. If you advocate this, what you are really advocating is "9/11 incompetence, but everyone gets promoted and no one gets fired" theory.

    How can you call it incompetence if the people most responsible for preventing the attack (i.e. the "incompetent") are promoted instead of fired? What kind of logic is that? The theory then, is inherently intellectually dishonest and dismissive of the actual facts.

    The "incompetence" theory is only possible if you are ignorant of the facts.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. truthmover

    I love tearing this one down.

    Its the 'impossibly coincidental incompetence theory.' Somehow on 9/11 we saw the biggest military failure in US history, involving the statistically impossible simultaneous failure to follow basic procedure by people at all levels of the command structure. People who were later promoted.

    Or how about that big accident' when the Bush Administration failed to pay any attention to all of the warnings they were receiving over many months prior to the attack, and accidentally squashed investigations into the plot.

    And afterword, it must have just been a misunderstanding when they told us that the air was safe to breath. And one long administrative error that they didn't investigate what happened for over a year.

    How in the world can anyone advance the 'incompetence theory' and think they appear to have an ounce of intellectual honesty? These people are too intellectually capable to assume that they are ignorant of the facts. The facts are easy to find it you bother to look for them.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    Somebody have an account at Huffington Post? You should post this or try to email it to the author:

    Cui Bono? The 9/11 Promotions

    DENIAL/COGNITIVE DISSONANCE - probably the most important concepts for the truth movement to understand. Whatever facts you have to throw at these "skeptics," it doesn't matter; they aren't involved in a rational cognitive process. Most people follow the pack and the pack has a never ending supply of self-reinforcing myths.

    You can't argue with logic like this (because it's not logic):

    Bill Maher: We know Bush wasn't behind 9/11 'because it worked'

    Posted 16 years ago #


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