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Obama's (and McCain's) "Google for government" (1 post)

  1. truthmover

    Last night in the Texas Democratic Presidential debate Obama mentioned that he got a bill passed that provided for the establishment of a online database of all government spending. He called it "Google for government" in order to make it sound familiar, but that didn't make it very easy to find if you did a Google search for the site.

    The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (S. 2590) is an act that requires the full disclosure of all entities or organizations receiving federal funds beginning in fiscal year (FY) 2007 on a website maintained by the Office of Management and Budget. This bill was introduced by Senator Tom Coburn, for himself and Senators Barack Obama, John McCain, and Thomas Carper on April 6, 2006 and passed unanimously in the Senate on September 7, 2006 and was passed in the House on September 13, 2006. The bill was signed into law by President George W. Bush on September 26, 2006. In August 2006 there was a "secret hold" on the legislation placed by Senators Ted Stevens and Robert Byrd. The Congressional Budget Office estimates S. 2590 will cost $15 million over its authorized time period of 2007 - 2011. The website opened in December 2007 as a result of the FFAT act of 2006.

    Here's a link to the site:

    Posted 16 years ago #


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