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Super Tuesday - Voting problems (Update) (11 posts)

  1. truthmover

    In New York and a couple of other states we still vote on mechanical pull-lever voting machines like the image above. You pull the lever to one side. Flip a couple of switches, and then pull the lever back.

    Mechanical voting machines are only just a bit better than electronic machines. Neither provides a receipt. Both seem like they would be subject to tampering or error. One is 100 years old and the other is 10, but neither ensures without any doubt that your vote will be counted.

    So I walk up to the machine and realize that all the candidates that have dropped out are still listed. Richardson, Kucinich, Edwards, Guiliani, Thompson, etc... This is a real problem as it is highly likely that some people will cast their votes for these candidates taking votes away from another.

    Anyone else have any other problems to report?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. NicholasLevis

    At least the lever machines can only be fixed retail. Tammany can do it, but they'd have to at least dole out jobs for their supporters. Poindexter the Diebold programmer can't.

    Of course, the fix can always be thrown in at some central tabulator. If every step isn't automatically audited with the assumption of cheating possible all along the line, you'll never know. But then you'd have to invest in this process instead of another aircraft carrier named after Bush.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  3. Adam1

    Of course, the fix can always be thrown in at some central tabulator.

    No... old mechanical voting machines would require all the precinct workers in which votes are being changed in on the fix, too. The mechanical voting machine have odometer style readouts for every category on every mechanical voting machine. Each precinct totals all those and calls them in to the county/city elections office. The next day, all the precinct totals always appear in the newpaper. Precinct workers would know if their reported totals in the newspaper were incorrect.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  4. NicholasLevis

    Yes of course - silly me. As you say, only a political machine could fix a count by lever machine - not the lever machine company!

    Posted 16 years ago #
  5. truthmod


    Clinton takes California, New York
    Obama snags majority of Super Tuesday states

    Posted 16 years ago #
  6. NicholasLevis

    WTF WTF?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  7. Adam1

    WTF...Clinton takes California

    None of the talking heads managed to mention tonight that 2.3 million of the roughly 5 MIL votes cast in CA were absentee ballots mailed out by voters as much as a month ago... back when Hillary still was leading in CA polls 60-20.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  8. truthmod

    All the news I was seeing up until today said stuff like this. Now all of a sudden Hillary wins by 25 points?

    Obama, Romney lead in California on Super Tuesday

    In California, which alone provides more than one-fifth of the Democratic delegates needed for the nomination, Obama led Clinton by 49 percent to 36 percent, the poll found. The margin of error was 3.3 percentage points.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  9. Victronix

    Of course. She is the chosen one. I'm not sure why Kennedy doesn't get this.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  10. truthmod

    What happened with that Ron Paul guy?

    Posted 16 years ago #
  11. truthmover

    My vote might not have been counted!!!!

    "Unofficial Tallies in City Understated Obama Vote"

    Black voters are heavily represented in the 94th Election District in Harlem’s 70th Assembly District. Yet according to the unofficial results from the New York Democratic primary last week, not a single vote in the district was cast for

    That anomaly was not unique. In fact, a review by The New York Times of the unofficial results reported on primary night found about 80 election districts among the city’s 6,106 where Mr. Obama supposedly did not receive even one vote, including cases where he ran a respectable race in a nearby district.

    In the Harlem district, for instance, where the primary night returns suggested a 141 to 0 sweep by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the vote now stands at 261 to 136. In an even more heavily black district in Brooklyn — where the vote on primary night was recorded as 118 to 0 for Mrs. Clinton — she now barely leads, 118 to 116.

    City election officials said they were convinced that there was nothing sinister to account for the inaccurate initial counts, and The Times’s review found a handful of election districts in the city where Mrs. Clinton received zero votes in the initial results.

    “It looked like a lot of the numbers were wrong, probably the result of human error,” said Marcus Cederqvist, who was named executive director of the Board of Elections last month. He said such discrepancies between the unofficial and final count rarely affected the raw vote outcome because “they’re not usually that big.”

    Human error? Why am I not convinced?

    Posted 16 years ago #


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