Good to have you posting again. Quality is certainly more important to us than quantity. But its nice to see our forum becoming active again after a couple of months at a slow crawl.
I have a thought about why things have been slow, other than our two week down time. I wasn't posting at TruthAction until recently because of the distracting presence of the wtcdemolition crew. And I get the sense that some people were posting here as a respite from them as well. But as they have been banned or been made to feel less than welcome, that forum has become more useful and productive. Also YT instituted a more explicit moderation policy, and I think that helped a lot. Our forum will still be more strictly moderated and cover a wider array of topics, but we are glad to see that TruthAction has become more of a solid resource for the 9/11 truth movement.
Thanks for the comment about my dad. He carried the weight of Greek philosophy, the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, Modernism, the Holocaust, and 60's counter-culture on his shoulders, and always worried about the barbarians burning down the libraries as they did in Alexandria. I always felt humbled as he would tell me that what we are doing as a project and more broadly as a movement is vitally important. He was someone I could depend on to 'get it.' I miss that.