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Venue suggestions (4 posts)

  1. Diane

    Regarding venues: I would suggest holding meetings at a diner or restaurant until a better venue is found. Here are some restaurants/diners where some groups I've been involved in have met:

    1) The Moonstruck Diner at 9th Avenue and 23rd Street. Has large tables in the back where some groups hold regular meetings.

    2) Empire Szechuan Village, 173 7th Ave South, near West 11th and Perry Street. Has an upstairs area with large tables, where some groups hold regular meetings.

    From the point of view of minimizing noise, Empire Szechuan is probably better than Moonstruck, but it's also a bit more expensive.

    Anyhow, I'm glad we were able to begin resolving our differences in this thread in the Truth Action.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Diane

    P.S.: As for other, larger venues once the group gets off the ground: I would suggest finding out where We Are Change holds its meetings and events and finding out whether those same venues would be available to TruthMove too, and for how much money.

    On the 9/11 anniversary weekend this past fall, WAC held a very large event at a church on the south side of Washington Square Park, if I recall correctly. I don't remember the name of the church.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    Thanks for the suggestions, we'll check these out.

    I believe the church you mentioned was Judson Memorial, who we actually have talked to about doing special one-time events.

    We're trying to get the venue thing off the ground (I know, we've been trying for a while, but it's true).

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. jan

    Local libraries have meeting space to reserve. Some coffee shops also have excellent meeting rooms.

    Great work of late truthmove. Please stay very vigilant :)

    Posted 17 years ago #


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