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Attended Northern CA Truth Alliance meeting (5 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Looks like they're dealing with many of the same problems I remember from NY911Truth: figuring out what to do with disruptive members, trying to create a new website, logo, etc.

    They did have a very well facilitated meeting, with an efficient agenda and different committees reporting.

    It was good to see Janette and Carol, Richard Gage and a few other familiar faces.

    They asked me to speak a little bit about TM, so I gave an overview about how we started, our mission, etc. Also made sure to plug the Declaration. Everyone seemed really supportive and gave a lot of complements on the project.

    I sometimes get a bit pessimistic about how people are going to respond to us, because we've chosen to take a very discerning, critical path. It's nice to be reminded that some people in the 9/11 movement still like us.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Victronix

    I just saw in the meeting notes that you were there -- that's good of you to attend.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. Victronix

    The last 4 Guns and Butter show topics (1 per week) --

    "An Act of State, Part Two" With William Pepper, author of "An Act of State: The Assassination of Martin Luther King", his second book on the King case. William Pepper was a close political associate of Dr. King's in the last year of his life. Pepper represented James Earl Ray on appeal of his conviction for the murder of Dr. King. This presentation was given in Long Beach, California in January 2003, after the publication of the book. Part Two continues Pepper's presentation, and concludes with a 45 minute question and answer session.

    "An Act of State, Part One" With William Pepper, author of "An Act of State: The Assassination of Martin Luther King", his second book on the King case. William Pepper was a close political associate of Dr. King's in the last year of his life. Pepper represented James Earl Ray on appeal of his conviction for the murder of Dr. King. This presentation was given in Long Beach, California in January 2003, after the publication of the book.

    "The Ford Presidency" Interview with Webster Tarpley, author of The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush. The Ford Presidency is analyzed, from Gerald Ford's participation on the Warren Commission; the Watergating of Richard Nixon; Ford's appointment to the Vice Presidency upon Spiro Agnew's resignation; his ascension to the Presidency with Nixon's resignation; the selection of Ford's Vice President; to the stolen 1976 Presidential election.

    9/11, Canada and The New World Order Featuring Dr. Kevin Barrett on "Beyond a Muslim Conspiracy Theory"; and leader of the Canadian Action Party, Connie Fogel, on "The Security and Prosperity Partnership and the North American Union" from the Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference in June 2007.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    Yes, I get the impression that certain people out here continue to ignore or make excuses for irresponsible promotion.

    I made a point of plugging the Declaration during the meeting as well as encouraging people to work independently if they feel alienated or stunted by problems within the group.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. I sometimes get a bit pessimistic about how people are going to respond to us, because we've chosen to take a very discerning, critical path. It's nice to be reminded that some people in the 9/11 movement still like us.

    It is definitely good to know that that it worked like that.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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