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NBC to APPEAL ruling allowing Kucinich into Debate !!?? (2 posts)

  1. truthmod

    NBC News said Monday it will appeal a judge's ruling rather than include Democratic presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich in a candidates' debate in Nevada.

    "We disagree with the judge's decision and are filing an appeal," said a statement provided by Jeremy Gaines, a vice president for MSNBC, sponsor of Tuesday night's debate. Gaines said the parent network would seek an immediate hearing before the Nevada Supreme Court.

    Do people not get a little uneasy about a corporate network seeking to censor a legitimate candidate--and taking it this far? I thought the press wanted to bring us information? I thought they were here to help create "the marketplace of ideas." Hmmm, guess not.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. Has NBC stated a specific reasoning for adamantly prohibiting Kucinich from the debates?

    Posted 16 years ago #


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