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Fox News: Al Qaeda Is Building a White Army of Terror - Likely disinfo (2 posts)

  1. truthmover

    This is the biggest load of 'Office of Strategic Intelligence' BS that I've ever run into. How many levels of crap is this? So now MI5 agents can run around and blow things us and they don't even need a Middle Eastern patsy in order to blame it on Al Qaeda? Or maybe this just serves the purpose of increasing fear of our neighbors. And, of course, its a mandate for more domestic eavesdropping.

    Call me paranoid, but its gotten to the point that we just need to call BS sometimes. I'm not buying into this garbage!

    Posted 16 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Ughh, this is bad. Also seems strangely coordinated with the recent fears of "domestic terrorism" here in the US.

    Security experts say the growing number of white terrorists poses a serious threat because they are less likely to be detected than members of the Asian community.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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