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Bradblog Calls Vote Fraud in NH (13 posts)

  1. Victronix

    NH Primary: Pre-Election Polls Wildly Different Than Results Announced for Clinton/Obama Other Pre-Election Numbers, For Republicans and Rest of Dems, Nearly Dead on the Money... BLOGGED BY Brad Friedman ON 1/8/2008 8:49PM

    [UPDATED several times at end of article, and still developing with new updates...]

    I'm not sure why Obama would have conceded so soon, given the virtually inexplicable turn of events in New Hampshire tonight.

    What's going on here? Before proceeding, I recommend you read the third section of the post I just ran an hour or so ago, concerning the way the ballots are counted in New Hampshire, largely on Diebold optical-scan voting systems, wholly controlled and programmed by a very very bad company named LHS Associates.

    Those Diebold op-scan machines are the exact same ones that were hacked in the HBO documentary, Hacking Democracy. See the previous report, as I recommend, which also includes a video of that hack, and footage of the guy who runs LHS Associates.

    That said, the the pre-election pollster's numbers (NOTE: that's not Exit Polls, but Pre-Election Polls!) were dead-on, for the most part, on the Republican side, as well as on the Democratic side. Except in the do-or-die (for Hillary) Clinton v. Obama race. I'm watching MSNBC right now, and they all seem to agree that the results, for the moment, defy explanation.

    I concur.


    (Note: CLG is not a good site for 9/11 -- they support Fetzer and other hoaxes, but often have good calls on elections)

    News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government 09 Jan 2008

    Where Paper Prevailed, Different Results By Lori Price 09 Jan 2008

    2008 New Hampshire Democratic Primary Results --Total Democratic Votes: 286,139 - Machine vs Hand ( 09 Jan 2008 Hillary Clinton, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 39.618% Clinton, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 34.908% Barack Obama, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 36.309% Obama, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 38.617% Machine vs Hand: Clinton: 4.709% (13,475 votes) Obama: -2.308% (-6,604 votes)

    2008 New Hampshire Republican Primary Results --Total Republican Votes: 236,378 Machine vs Hand ( 09 Jan 2008 Mitt Romney, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 33.075% Romney, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 25.483% Ron Paul, Diebold Accuvote optical scan: 7.109% Paul, Hand Counted Paper Ballots: 9.221% Machine vs Hand: Romney: 7.592% (17,946 votes) Paul: -2.112% (-4,991 votes)

    See also:

    NH: "First in the nation" (with corporate controlled secret vote counting) By Nancy Tobi 07 Jan 2008

    81% of New Hampshire ballots are counted in secret by a private corporation named Diebold Election Systems (now known as "Premier"). The elections run on these machines are programmed by one company, LHS Associates, based in Methuen, MA. We know nothing about the people programming these machines, and we know even less about LHS Associates. We know even less about the secret vote counting software used to tabulate 81% of our ballots.

    Can You Count on Voting Machines? By CLIVE THOMPSON Published: January 6, 2008

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. JohnA

    i have been scratching my head all day over the inexplicable election returns in NH.

    Polls can be wrong - but THIS wrong?

    the polls weren't even close on Monday. some had Obama opening a double digit lead over Clinton.

    the press was reporting on 'rock-star-like receptions' for Obama - with thousands of people lining up around the block to hear him speak.

    where did all these pro-Clinton people suddenly materialize from? If EITHER side was energized into showing up at the polls on record numbers - it was the Obama camp.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. Victronix

    There are also the complexities of having a woman and a black person in the race. For example, there is the Bradley Effect -- -- in which people say they aren't sure or will vote for the person of color in polls, but then at the ballot box vote for the white person, which was relevant in NH because the balloting was secret, whereas it was not in Iowa (not exactly sure how, but they say it was), but that doesn't explain why Ron Paul lost almost 5k votes between machines and hand counting, and the gains by the others (not a Paul endorsement here, just a fact).

    If the NYTimes is coming up with the WHY, we can guess that the opposite is true -- the rigging is so obvious it's started a fire and it's time to put it out. I'll never forget when I first found out about Chavez -- I saw that the NYTimes was trashing this dark skinned man threatening to win an election in Venezuela, so I knew he must be something special.

    How the Polls Were Off

    In short, the pre-primary telephone polls were not wrong, they were slow. Events moved so quickly that the polls simply could not keep pace. The odd convergence of two historic candidates, a woman and an African American; a compressed calendar with only five days between the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary; and a constant rat-a-tat of significant events, including Mr. Obama’s historic victory, Mrs. Clinton’s debate performance, Mrs. Clinton’s unusual moment of welling-up with tears, all conspired against pollsters.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. JohnA

    did the results of the election contradict exit polls?

    i have heard precious little about the exit polls.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. truthmod

    Strange that Karl Rove had to weigh in with an editorial in the WSJ explaining Clinton's comeback...

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. Victronix

    Or not strange at all.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. truthmover

    As Randi Rhodes and Keith Olbermann pointed out last night and today, Obama was polling at right around the numbers he got in the primary, and there were a very large number of undecided voters. I've looked at the hand count vs. machine differential, and they are within the margin of error to the extent that they can not be used to demonstrate fraud. And evidently New Hampshire voters don't like exit polls.

    I'm seeing any strong data demonstrating fraud. But it likely won't be long before we do.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  8. Victronix

    Then why is Kucinich calling for a NH recount?


    Analysts at the Election Defense Alliance (EDA) have confirmed that based on the official results on the New Hampshire Secretary of state web site, there is a remarkable relationship between Obama and Clinton votes, when you look at votes tabulated by op-scan v. votes tabulated by hand:

    Clinton Optical scan 91,717 52.95%
    Obama Optical scan 81,495 47.05%
    Clinton Hand-counted 20,889 47.05%
    Obama Hand-counted 23,509 52.95%

    The percentages appear to be swapped. That seems highly unusual, to say the least.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  9. Victronix

    Also, Bev Harris says about NH:

    New Hampshire had hearings on the hackable Diebold optical scan machines, and didn't take any action to mitigate the risks.

    New Hampshire knew it was running elections on machines that can't be trusted. And today, thanks to the efforts of two more citizen volunteers, I learned that the New Hampshire Secretary of State knew about the narcotics trafficking conviction of Ken Hajjar, yet still authorized LHS to code every memory card in New Hampshire.

    Harri Hursti himself testified in New Hampshire in Sept. 2007, urging them to disconnect the wiring allowing reprogramming of the memory card through the modem port. New Hampshire took no action.

    New Hampshire didn't take even the half-step actions other states used to beef up voting machine security.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  10. truthmover


    The reason why this is so important, beyond the obvious, is that NH is a small state in which it would be possible to hand count all the ballots if need be. Those percentages above are totally wacky, and certainly raise valid concerns, not due to the spread, but due to the exact swap of the numbers. What kind of coincidence is that!?!

    We know how many ballots we have, so they couldn't possibly get away with tossing them. And with a recount, any indication of fraud with be totally damning for LHS and the optical scanning method. Here's hoping that someone actually takes Kucinich seriously.

    As much as I think that Randi and Keith are trying to get it right, I should be a bit more skeptical about their desire for "reputability".

    Posted 17 years ago #
  11. Victronix

    New England voting machine firm

    They program every single voting machine in New Hampshire, Connecticut, almost all of Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine. But did state officials in five New England states ever do a criminal background check on this company's executives? Do the laws of these five states even ALLOW them to hire convicted criminals for services paid for by the state? What about over 500 local towns and municipalities?

    According to my sources, LHS Marketing and Sales Director Ken Hajjar grew up with owner John Silvestro in Lawrence, Massachusetts. They both moved to Londonderry, New Hampshire, where Ken Hajjar was arrested, indicted, and pleaded guilty to "sale / CND" and sentenced to 12 months in the Rockingham County Correctional facility, and fined $2000. As things go for the politically connected, he was then given a deferred sentence and $1000 of his fine was suspended.

    Hajjar doesn't limit his involvement in the voting machine business to sales. According to an interview conducted by Dori Smith, as reported here:, Hajjar totes memory cards around in the trunk of his car and defends the boggling concept of swapping out memory cards during the middle of elections.

    Hold onto your hats, there's more. Start with this YouTube video, if you haven't already seen it:

    Don't miss this BradBlog story:

    (excerpt) [from Dori Smith & Bradblog] "Other LHS staff members we spoke with, including Mike Carlson and Tom Burge, provided similar comments. They said they would open machines up during an election and swap memory cards as needed. This is illegal under Connecticut law and Deputy Secretary Mara told us she has since informed LHS that such actions were in violation of Connecticut election laws.

    "In 2006, as Hajjar argued in favor of their policy to change cards during elections, I asked him about about the laws which govern chain of custody issues. His response: "I mean, I don't pay attention to every little law. It's just, it's up to the Registrars. All we are is a support organization on Election Day".

    He said he had three memory cards in the trunk of his car and, in the event they had to be used, the chain of custody issues wouldn't matter since, "once you run the [pre-election] test deck through, you're golden"."

    Posted 17 years ago #
  12. truthmod

    Brad Friedman of Bradblog was an eloquent and enthusiastic participant of the recent Santa Cruz conference and he was obviously not ashamed to appear alongside many 9/11 truth activists. Let's support him!

    Although we haven't talked much about the election fraud issue recently, I think it's a great lead-in to government deception/corruption for many progressives.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  13. Victronix

    Yes, I noticed his willingness to cover 9/11 stuff awhile ago. His stuff is great because it's just an ongoing and transparent blog connecting many sources, interactive via his comments section, and also a connection to MSM at times because he does get interviewed and keeps close watch on what they are saying. He admits it when he makes a mistake and corrects it. That's a big plus.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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