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Nightmare at St. Marks (Duncan and Blake) + Alex Constantine Controversy (30 posts)

  1. JohnA

    I’ve been researching this story for awhile, and it is truly a shocker. I implore you all to read this in its entirety.

    has anyone read this article by on-again off-again wife of St Marks’ Father Frank Morales:

    The Golden Suicides

    apparently two very talented artists who fled california claiming they were being systematically harassed, smeared and psychologically tortured by cointelpro somehow ended up living in Father Frank Morale’s apartment in the rectory of St Marks church - cointelpro central - and ultimately BOTH ended up dead from suicide.

    one of the “suicides” - Theresa Duncan – described the harassment as follows:

    "Like the Federal "Cointelpro" campaign that deliberately drove Seberg to suicide..."

    of course Nancy Jo Sales of Vanity Fair (as well as other well placed journalists) claim that these two individuals suffered from mental illness.

    two people suffering from the same mental illness. how interesting. I guess these things happen.

    some of us may remember Nancy Jo Sales from San Francisco when she attended the 911 seminar in spring 2004. I remember Nicholas Levis expressing his excitement over her participation.

    anyway - she spent 2 days interviewing everyone of any interest in the movement - yet never ran a story. She asked deep penetrating questions. Took notes. And never ran a story.

    years later she ran the "loose change" story "Click Here for Conspiracy" which paints a picture of 911 skepticism as the product of youthful flights of fancy - including the infamous closing quote:

    "People say, Aw, we need a peaceful revolution. We need to peacefully change things. Trust me, that's a great idea—I'm all for it. But Americans are violent, especially when they've been lied to, especially over something like this..."

    way to GO Nancy!!! Paint 911 Truth as potentially violent! Wooo….hooooo……

    i also remember sitting with members of TruthMove and Levis as we attempted to reason with Nancy's on-again off-again husband Father Frank Morales regarding his decision to allow certain "researchers" to participate and speak at his church - while the more legitimate speakers from TruthMove were basically black-balled. He ultimately supported the disinfo crowd.

    But – another thing bothers me:

    according to both Morales and Sales - these 'golden suicides' were clearly paranoid and mentally ill.

    Ok. fine. Maybe.

    so how do you explain this interview Morales gave to Theresa Duncan:

    In this interview he clearly lays out - in detail - all the dirty tricks and spying and disruption techniques of the government – to someone he himself has described as suffering from possible paranoid delusions. Way to GO Frank! The interview itself references the harassment Theresa and Jeremy claimed they were undergoing. Interesting that Father Frank would simply sit there and support their claims with facts if he truly believed they were ill. If he was truly concerned about their mental state – why would he stoke the flames? Was he not ‘enabling them’ to believe whatever paranoid delusions had forced them to flee califonia??? Did he not contribute to their delusions and ultimate suicides?

    Anyway – another blogger remarks:

    “Hmmm. Sure sounds like a tale of publishing intrigue here. It’s certainly odd that Sales, who is so connected to the story as Morales’ ex-wife, wound up with the assignment.”

    I would certainly agree that, from a journalism standpoint, this is unethical and a conflict of interest. In fact, someone else opined:

    “And today I got a call from someone who was interviewed at length for the piece and was stunned to read at SoMA that Nancy Jo Sales had the byline. Asking not to be named, this person said that, last they knew, VF contributor John Connolly was writing the article, and that it was probably now in final edits, not already on the newsstand.”

    Who is Nancy Jo Sales? How did she end up controlling John Connolly’s project? Wasn’t VF concerned with the conflicts of interest?

    In 1986 she graduated summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, with a B.A. in Literature from Yale, which awarded her its Willet's Prize for fiction writing. From 1986 to 1988 she lived in Tokyo, where she worked as an English teacher.

    In 1988 she enrolled in Columbia University’s graduate program in Writing, receiving her M.F.A. in 1991.

    Wow. Yale. Columbia. With honors. Very impressive.

    I suppose if I was ‘mentally ill’ like Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake I would make political hay out of the fact that Yale is a known recruitment ground for American intelligence services – and the Bush family – and skull and bones.


    I was shocked and surprised that Father Frank seemed oblivious to the obvious betrayal inherent in her 9/11 Loose Change article.

    I was further shocked and surprised that Father Frank – who appears to be very intelligent – continues to enable disinformation to flourish at St Marks.

    I was NOT surprised to hear that two artists fleeing California claiming they were the victims of cointelpro ended up somehow (despite the fact they were admittedly complete strangers) living in Father Frank’s apartment in the St Marks rectory.

    what a coincidence!

    And.. sadly – it does not surprise me that they are now both dead – with the internet swamped with claims that they were both insane.

    I suppose it could be a little of both. I am not assuming or suggesting they were murdered. But – I also know first hand how cruel certain 9/11 ‘researchers’ can be in attacking their perceived enemies. I would assume that these disinformation ‘agents’ exist outside of the 9/11 truth movement as well. I would assume Hollywood would be a prime target for cointelpro. (Hollywood DOES after all control America’s perceptions with their product)

    Strange anomalies do exist. Duncan’s claim that rock musician Beck was committed to doing her film has been substantiated – despite Beck’s public claim that he knew nothing of the project – and hardly knew the couple. An Italian interview with Beck has surfaced in which he definitively states he is in fact doing Duncan’s film. He even mentions the film by name! Further, photos have surfaced of Duncan and Blake vacationing together with Beck and his wife. Photos of the foursome on the beach together. Why all the subterfuge from Beck? Why the denials?

    Additionally – one can still find remnants of an internet campaign to destroy Duncan’s writing career – with online accusations that she was plagiarizing other writer’s work. (plagiarism is a literary crime akin to career suicide)

    Additionally, I have found videos online tied to Duncan that eerily mimic many of the same psyop videos we have seen attacking the 9/11 community. In fact – in one quote from Duncan she discusses how amazing it is that so many personal details of her life seem to be in the hands of her attackers.

    And lastly, I have reviewed blogs discussing this double suicide only to find what appears to be tag-teams of ‘user comments’ smearing the couple and generally disrupting these message boards. I know this signature well. We have all seen these disruptions on message boards before.

    And then there is this:

    “I was a member of the congregation at St. Mark’s, where the deaths of Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake were handled so poorly by Father Frank that I wrote a letter of complaint to [New York Bishop Mark] Sisk and left the church. As Theresa Duncan’s minister, Frank performed last rites on her, and then used information concerning her and Jeremy’s deaths to further his own interests and gain inside access for his "ex-wife" Nancy Jo Sales’ Vanity Fair article. Understandably, [Blake’s and Duncan’s] families are really upset.

    Furthermore, Sales’ piece, like other articles covering this story, includes lies and half-truths. Jeremy did not invite Frank Morales up to the apartment for a drink that night, as Frank has claimed. In fact, at the time of her death, Theresa and Jeremy were so suspicious and distrustful of Frank that they avoided him.”

    Also – according to this member of the congregation:

    “Frank and Sales were never legally married. The truth is, Frank Morales told me he is legally married to a woman named Lisa Walker who, according to a New York Magazine article, was in prison on Riker’s Island in 2004, the year he "married" Sales. I forwarded the article to Frank this past summer, after the suicides, and he confirmed that Walker is still his wife, though he claimed to have left her 10 years ago.”

    “Oddly, when Nancy Jo Sales first contacted me this past September, she introduced herself to me as "Frank’s wife."

    I suppose we will never know the truth. All of this could be coincidence?

    But – when I heard that a young, talented and emotionally vulnerable couple fled California claiming they were being systematically harassed by cointelpro – it made me SHUDDER to hear they ended up at St. Marks. It just STINKS!!

    And one last note:

    According to another source:

    "Morales asked to be let into the bedroom to perform last rites over Duncan’s body. "

    Huh? Last rites–for a dead person? This struck me as odd, so I called Father Gawain de Leeuw, an Episcopal priest.

    "That is very odd," he said. "And theologically, it’s ridiculous. You perform last rites for the sick, not the dead. You pray for the sick, you anoint them. You take their confession. Those, essentially, are the last rites. But you don’t pray with the dead, or anoint them, or take their confession, or do anything for them. They’re in the hands of God, and the priest’s next step, as far as the body goes, is the burial service. Until then, his or her job is to pastor to the living–to gather the family and pray with them, preparing them to release the body to the hospital, or whoever."

    "Whatever he did, you wouldn’t call it ‘last rites,’" agreed Puck Purnell, another Episcopal priest and SoMA contributor.

    Rest in peace Theresa and Jeremy. You will not be forgotten.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. JohnA

    and - this is the woman Father Frank is still legally married to:

    Her Royal Lie-ness The so-called Saudi princess was only one of the many identities Lisa Walker tried on like jewelry.

    Before Princess Antoinette Millard was a member of the Saudi royal family—topped with a diamond tiara at Madison Avenue shop Kaufmann de Suisse, which she dubbed her “royal jewelers”—she was simply Antoinette Millard, or even Lisa Walker, perhaps her birth name. That’s how she was known at her workaday brick building at Third and 89th, where she rented a one-bedroom apartment. “Maybe she kept the tiara in her handbag, because I never saw it,” says her doorman, lounging behind a Formica reception desk.

    On May 8, Millard was dubbed “the Princess” by the tabs, after she claimed to have been mugged on 71st Street and robbed of $262,000 of jewelry insured by Chubb; she is currently in the princess-unfriendly confines of Rikers Island. (Millard’s lawyer did not return calls.) But, as it happens, the Princess was only one story. To some, Millard, 40, was a lawyer with a degree from Boston University; then she was a model for the Bergdorf Goodman catalogue. Or she was a divorcée awaiting a windfall, after her ex-husband finally sold their $7 million Nantucket home. She was a convert to Judaism, and courted invitations to Seders. She was a triplet with two loving sisters.

    “I think Antoinette said she raised money for the symphony,” says the author Robert Stewart, who first met Millard at a Halloween party at the Guggenheim, with her boyfriend at the time—all were enjoying each other’s company, and planned to meet for brunch the next day, at the boyfriend’s suite at the Carlyle. But no one was staying there under such a name. “My father always told me to register under a fake name,” explained Millard, calling Stewart from her cell phone.

    Millard used jewelry like she used identities. She was a daily visitor to such shops as Cartier and Fred Leighton. The proprietors and managers were her friends, but it was not enough: After one purchase near her birthday, she asked a shop owner if she could tell people that he had given her some of the baubles as a present. At some stores, Millard returned for exchange nearly half of everything she purchased—I am so sick of these jade chandelier earrings—and, like many customers of expensive jewelers, tended to run behind on her bill. She began selling pieces, at a loss, to buy more, and eventually found herself in trouble. She turned to the only people she knew could help her—the jewelers themselves. In a handwritten letter to an owner of a top-end boutique, Michael Eigen, she wrote, “I have spent nearly $235,930.84 in your store in a year and a half. I deserve respect to be given to me . . . I need to come up with $16,805 for my tumor near my heart at the end of the month . . . I am tired of people taking advantage of me and my money.”

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    I don't really know what to say. It definitely stinks. I don't want to make any speculative accusations. All I know is that Frank Morales has continued to enable the disintegration of the 9/11 Truth movement in NYC by supporting Les Jamieson.

    I don't know enough about Nancy or the politics of publishing to accuse her of anything, but the article on Loose Change was a real disappointment and coincidences with this suicide thing are a bit creepy.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. JohnA

    well. like 9/11 we need to seperate fact from speculation - and connect some dots.

    Fact: you have a quote by a St. Marks congregation member claiming:

    *" the time of her death, Theresa and Jeremy were so suspicious and distrustful of Frank that they avoided him."'

    Fact: This contradicts Sales' account in VF - depicting Morales as a trusted friend of Blake - and certainly smacks of a conflict of interest.

    Fact: you have the false claim from Sales and Morales that they were married. Perhaps they considered themselves common-law spouses. This is possible. But, why keep Morales' old marriage on the books?

    Fact: they collaborate on a VF story in which Morales' role in the incident, according to witnesses, is factually incorrect and highly distorted.

    Fact: Morales violated the confidentiality of the family, in his role as a priest. you have family members of the suicides clearly upset by Morales' role.

    Imagine - if you will - the suicide of your daughter - and the pain of knowing that the priest who administered the 'last rites' was now benefiting from the story appearing in a tabloid. Imagine also if your daughter did not trust this priest (as is claimed). would you be upset with this priest?

    Fact: VF's decision to take this story away from John Connolly - and award it to Sales is a clear conflict of interest on their part as well. You would expect VF's journalistic standards to be higher. I can maybe forgive Morales and Sales' poor judgment. But VF? What were they thinking?

    Fact: Duncan and Blake made claims of online smear campaigns and cointelpro attacks that are very similar to what you see in the 911 truth movement. Evidence of this still exists today.

    Fact: These two young people are now both dead and cannot defend themselves.

    Fact: we have a history of both Sales and Morales working in concert to forward the weakest, most fraudulent, most damaging research on 911 to the public.

    Fact: Both Sales and Morales are demonstrably intelligent people, with traceable scholastic and writing pedigrees. They are both very impressive people. Yet - these pedigrees are in STARK contrast to their known public behavior and poor judgment.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. truthmover

    Very tragic. I haven't trusted Frank for some time now. Are you planning on confronting him about this?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. JohnA

    Of course not. I could be wrong.

    in fact - there is still a circle of literary/artist types who were fans/friends of Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake who are very actively discussing this subject online. but none of them seem aware of the history of St Marks - and the circus it has been. it may be irresponsible to inflame the situation by injecting all of these new revelations into the discussion - and letting the rumor mills get hold of them.

    but i do think - for our purposes - it is important to share information like this. it could be just a very sad coincidence - and a bit of opportunism on Nancy's part. distasteful - but nothing more.

    but it is a little creepy and scary how this story fits so neatly into the larger picture of cointelpro/harassment campaigns we have seen - and worthy of documenting.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. truthmod

    Maybe the bigger point here is that St. Marks continues to be a wasted resource. I've said this so many times, but, is it worth approaching Frank, perhaps with a signed statement, requesting that he either discontinue Les' participation or open up a share of the time there for other NYC truth activists?

    I don't know. Last time I talked to Frank, he seemed totally open to us doing something there around the last anniversary, then he never responded to my multiple emails...

    On the other hand, I think it would be much better for the movement if NY911Truth's Sunday night series was completely cancelled and not replaced by anything rather than that it would continue to be a drain on the movement.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  8. JohnA

    this is a personal feeling - but I would never have anything whatsoever to do with that church. i do not trust Frank. i plan to never step foot in that church ever again.

    i would like to see the sunday series permanently cancelled. but, its sad that there are no alternatives in NYC for people tired of the theatrics and disruptions at St Marks.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  9. truthmover

    All we need is a venue. But that is surprisingly hard to come by. Thus all the hand wringing we have done about taking St. Mark's from Les. At this point, I agree that I would not want to hold meetings there under Frank's watch. But now he's even more of a minor celebrity due to his participation in Project Censored and the church likely wants to hold onto him as a financial draw among other things.

    John, if we did get a venue, TruthMove would have quite a bit of support from within the movement (not financial) with which to draw an audience. Our endorsements are really solid. With just a bit of publicity, we could draw out a lot of those people whom we meet on a regular basis (another this weekend) who used to attend but were turned off by Les' coordination.

    But alas, finding a venue that is appropriate and convenient is really quite a challenge.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  10. christs4sale

    Alex Constantine's work on this topic, just in case anyone is interested:

    Posted 16 years ago #
  11. Victronix

    FYI, Alex Constantine has taken the word of Nico Haupt and the Webfairy as the truth. He has tried to label a good researcher as a spy. He did no research himself but took the word of the no-planers. That's along the lines of Tarpley, if not worse.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  12. christs4sale

    Oh thanks Victronix. I have seen references to Nico on his blog. He is someone who I regard as good with some things and generally not so great in more recent years. I should email Alex on the topic of Nico and see how he responds. I read his site because he sometimes finds interesting articles that can be sourced. I think his books that he wrote in the 90s were generally really good and grounded in Mae Brussell's work. Virginia McCullough who is the current possessor of Mae Brussell's archives apparently trusted Alex Constantine enough to give him access to the archives. I should have mentioned that he gives credit to people like Nico when I posted the link to his story. It is interesting that the article reads similar to how Nico posts his articles. Heavily outlined and difficult to follow (for me at least).

    I should also mention that Alex Constantine presented at a Cynthia McKinney (when she was in the House of Representitives) event about the topics covered in the Covert War Against Rock.

    I also never would have discovered the great documentary, All Power to the People, if it wasn't for Alex Constantine's blog.

    It is interesting that several of the people around Mae are now promoting no planes theories in some capacity. The other being Tim Canale of the website,

    Posted 16 years ago #
  13. christs4sale

    Here's Alex's response to the both of us:

    Posted 16 years ago #
  14. truthmover

    Let's move this discussion to a new thread.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  15. truthmod

    Whoa. AC was all over this. He must either read our forum or be tracking his links pretty closely. While I thought the critiques from Victronix and christs4sale were reasonable and fairly respectful, AC's response is extremely defensive. I understand if there were inaccuracies in the critiques, but maybe he could have a more constructive attitude toward coming to a common and accurate understanding.

    Since we don't have the feature to split off several posts from a thread and start a new one, maybe we should just continue with this one and change the title (I just did this).

    Posted 16 years ago #
  16. truthmover

    The name change makes sense, but C4S and I agree that it would be best to start a new thread.

    This topic is discussed further at the following thread:

    Posted 16 years ago #
  17. Victronix

    Funny when something like this sort of explodes -- shows who is reading this site when they go running to tell. I doubt he is.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  18. JennySparks

    FYI, Alex Constantine has taken the word of Nico Haupt and the Webfairy as the truth. He has tried to label a good researcher as a spy. He did no research himself but took the word of the no-planers. That's along the lines of Tarpley, if not worse.

    Repeating unsubstantiated rubbish posted by Nico and his wacky pals is a sure sign of something dodgy at work.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  19. AlexLee


    I've been researching the Theresa Duncan story for some time now, but just came across this thread.

    I'd be very, very interested to hear your side of "the history of St Marks - and the circus it has been".

    Did you know that the version of events on the night Theresa Duncan died, as described by Sales and Morales, has been challenged by Melinda Hunt? See:

    We can, if you like, discuss it on this forum, or you can contact me privately at

    Posted 15 years ago #
  20. JohnA

    i really don't have any information on this - other than the public information and speculation that has already been voiced here.

    i will be the first to admit that my writings on this have been highly speculative - but we also do need to keep in mind that these are real people we are talking about - including the families of the deceased - and Sales and Morales. so i do not want to add any additional speculation to the public debate- because i do NOT have any factual information that will add anything to this discussion - and it would be irresponsible to insert opinions into the discussion where only FACTS should allowed. (given the seriousness of the subject)

    having said that - i will give you an opinion on a related matter.

    it is my OPINION that Father Frank Morales has presided over perhaps one of the most blatently irresponsible forums for 9/11 Truth in the history of this movement. His weekly forums at St Marks church provided a high-profile stage for what i considered textbook examples of disruption and disinformation - unchallenged under his stewardship at St Marks. His forum at St Marks included some of the most NOTORIOUS names in 9/11 organized disruption - while more sober voices were systematically marginalized and pushed out the door.

    remember - St Marks is a church in NYC that professed to open its doors to the community - in the name of 9/11 - in the aftermath of the horror of 9/11. For this reason special sensitivity and CARE and discretion needed to be exercised - as our audience would often included the family members of victims - as well as a highly traumatized community seeking an open forum to discuss their concerns, pose their questions and voice their fears.

    what they got instead was a circus of disruption and disinformation - such as presentations by Nico Haupt who is known for producing videos mixing pornography and feces with 9/11 images.

    truly disgusting.

    for this reason i have no respect for Father Frank Morales. Nor do i have any respect for Ms. Sales' professionalism or journalistic integrity in her treatment of both the 9/11 Truth movement story - or the story of Theresa Duncan's death. i believe her treatment of the latter was a CLEAR professional conflict of interest.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  21. truthmover

    what they got instead was a circus of disruption and disinformation

    I second that. I trust Frank nearly as little as I trust Les, who I personally believe to be compromised. On the other hand, we should refrain from making unfounded insinuations about Frank's involvement in these deaths. But that doesn't mean it hasn't been well established that Frank can't be trusted.

    First and foremost, Frank has consistently supported Les. It was readily apparent to me that Frank sanctioned Les' condescending and autocratic shepherd mentality which included blatantly lying to people during organizing meetings, dodging accountability and transparency with silence, and supporting the inclusion of the worst this movement has to offer.

    Nothing really beats the example of Criminal Politics.

    I'll keep this brief.

    Les admitted selling the magazine. Frank banned Les from the church. Nick (previous and capable leader of the group), John, Max, and I, wanted to pick up the pieces and wrote Les a very candid message suggesting a peaceful transition. Then, a couple days later, Frank un-banned Les.

    Les shared our message with members of the group, and we got hateful messages with false lists of those who had signed, which contradicted Les' admission that he sold the magazine, and accused us of trying to take over. None of us had been attending regular meetings for some time, but we didn't want to see the group fall apart.

    Frank was aware of all this. Those supporting his position say that he's just a burnt out hippy who doesn't want to argue anymore, or that he's a pastor and can't take sides, or that the big tent approach is valid. But I hold him accountable, as should others. He has facilitated one of the most destructive forces in the movement.

    Innocence of the law is not an excuse to break it, and incompetence is a good reason to be fired.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  22. JohnA

    i would like to see someone compile a list of all the disinfo clowns Frank allowed to present at St Marks.

    it is quite a list.

    but i did find one aspect of the link the poster above provided interesting. Morales and Sales appear to be dishonest in their accounting of the facts:

    According to Mary Jo Sales:

    I was invited to the Jeremy Blake memorial at the Corcoran Gallery by the Corcoran Gallery and Jeremy Blake’s curator, Jonathan Binstock. Jeremy Blake’s mother assured me that it was all right with her that I attend, and I still have her emails to that effect.

    According to Anne Schwartz Delibert, Jeremy Blake’s mother (to Melinda Hunt):

    The following is my "on the record" reply to you that you may use. It’s good you followed your conscience & took a public stand. We did not invite her to Jeremy’s memorial service on October 26.

    sleezy. veeeery sleezy.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  23. JohnA

    i need to correct (expand on) this quote:

    Frank Morales emailed me to introduce Nancy Jo Sales; he urged me to grant her an interview.

    The Corcoran Gallery of Art invited Nancy Jo Sales to the "Wild Choir" exhibition press preview on October 23, 2007, which she did not attend. We did not invite her to Jeremy’s memorial service on October 26. However, Frank Morales told me he was bringing his wife, Nancy Jo Sales, with whom he’d recently reconciled. At the service, she showed up, he didn’t.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  24. christs4sale

    Here is Luke's response to the Criminal Politics issue:

    Does anyone have the email or post that Frank sent out in response to Luke and Tom's accusations about Les? I could not find it in my email, but I do not recall if it was sent out that way.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  25. AlexLee

    Thank you for your responses--this begins to clarify many things that had previously been mysterious to me:

    Nancy Sales:

    In their final days in New York, Blake and Duncan would seek refuge from the demons they believed were chasing them in the company of a radical Episcopalian priest, Frank Morales. Morales became one of their closest friends and confidants.

    Melinda Hunt:

    In fact, at the time of her death, Theresa and Jeremy were so suspicious and distrustful of Frank that they avoided him.

    And yet, Duncan published this long, seemingly friendly, interview with Morales on her blog only six weeks before her death:

    I have to wonder if something dramatic happened in those six weeks to change Duncan and Blake's feelings about Morales?

    The time would be approximately from June 1, 2007-July 10, 2007.

    Also, Duncan organized a benefit for St. Marks held July 3, 2007:

    It was reported in New York Magazine ( that she and Blake refused to attend the party because of a strange "premonition" that Duncan would be hurt:

    Without apology they explained that they could not come down, no, they were experiencing a “collective vision” that the grill was going to explode, somehow harming Duncan. It would have been a more troubling exchange were it not, by this point, almost expected.

    In Sale's article, she states that

    He (Jeremy Blake) now became a semi-regular attendee at the Sunday-night 9/11-truth meetings at St. Mark’s Church, which Morales oversees. Morales said, “He was talking about doing art around 9/11 truth.”

    Can any of this be confirmed? I'm not sure I want to take Morales' word for it...

    Posted 15 years ago #

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