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Truth Emergency conference Jan. 25-27 Santa Cruz (12 posts)

  1. truthmod

    I plan to be there...

    "PURPOSE A collaborative gathering of media veterans, scholars, activists & whistleblowers to assess and marshal our most powerful messages to rectify history, awaken a critical mass, and effectively expose the accelerating corporate coup d'état.

    VISION Truth movements that arise after pivotal events like electoral fraud, 9/11, key assassinations, false flag ops and casus belli fabrications can/should become more than forensic inquiries into a single heinous crime. They can also strive to expose wider patterns of illicit control, deception and propaganda, and use their revelations to rouse entire societies to reject a malignant status quo.

    Consequently, this is not a media conference to dissect or condemn the conglomerates, demand reforms, or even celebrate the increasing vigor of independent journalism. It is intended as a strategy session for already active and influential players to coordinate their most revealing messages, forge tactical alliances, innovate new distribution technologies, and mutually enhance each others' strongest work."

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    The list of ("currently expected") participants is pretty impressive:

    Larisa Alexandrovna

    David Altheide

    Russ Baker

    John Perry Barlow

    Richard Becker

    Nora Barrows-Friedman

    Dennis Bernstein

    Khalil Bendib

    Kristina Borjesson

    Carol Brouillet

    Bruce Budner

    Lenny Charles

    David Cobb

    Gerard Colby

    Peter B Collins

    Gabriel Day

    Elizabeth de la Vega

    Charlotte Dennett

    Bill Densmore

    Katherine Dodds

    Frank Dorrel

    Bonnie Faulkner

    Mike Ferner

    Robert Fitrakis

    Brad Friedman

    Richard Gage

    Jalal Ghazi

    Richard Greene

    David Ray Griffin

    Eric Haas

    Kyle Hence

    Mickey Huff

    Elizabeth Kucinich

    David Kubiak

    Kalle Lasn

    David Lindorff

    Eamon Martin

    Janice Matthews

    David Mathison

    Jason McKain

    Ray McGovern

    Cynthia McKinney

    Linda Milazzo

    Miguel Molina

    Michael Nagler

    Peter Phillips

    Marc Pilisuk

    Coleen Rowley

    Mansoor Sabbagh

    Bryan Sacks

    Danny Schechter

    John Scott

    Peter Dale Scott

    Cindy Sheehan

    Jayne Lyn Stahl

    Peter Thottam

    Barbara Trent

    Sarah Ruth van Gelder

    Tracy Van Slyke

    Aldo Vidali

    Harvey Wasserman

    Toni Whiteman

    Mike Whitney

    Susan J. Zip

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    I'm at the conference. So far so good. There do seem to be a lot of middle aged-older people here. Coleen Rowley is here, which is kind of cool. We're doing some sort of affinity group thing next.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. Victronix

    Sorry I wasn't able to make it to that -- the flu intervened. I look forward to more follow-up. I haven't seen any coverage of it anywhere yet (indybay or anything).

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. Victronix

    Oh, I found the updated link with images via 911truth --

    Looks good! A good number of people.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. truthmod

    It was a very positive conference. There was very little distraction/disinformation and many alternative media activists came together while neither avoiding nor obsessing over 9/11 truth.

    Cynthia McKinney gave an energizing address today; she and the Green party seem like a unifying force that we should all get behind.

    And thankfully, there seemed to be barely any Ron Paul fanatics or wild-eyed paranoids.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. truthmod

    Here are some of the orgs/projects I learned about at the conference. I'm not endorsing them, just listing them...

    Posted 17 years ago #
  8. chrisc

    I noticed that the Flashpoints people were there, it's an outstanding radio show:

    Posted 17 years ago #
  9. truthmod

    One of the major themes that came out of the conference was the need to unify the forces of independent media. There are so many sources and organizations that one can feel totally overwhelmed and resources can be spread too thin. Of course, our decentralization is fundamental to our democratic, independent mission, but when it comes down to it, we also need to be able to unify for strength and efficiency.

    One idea was for an alternative news wire that could support our cause and focus our energy.

    Another was for a inter/national TAKE BACK THE MEDIA day/week which would involve varying levels of dissent and civil disobedience.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  10. Victronix

    I've tended to wonder about rockcreekfreepress.

    Clicking on it now I see that it cites '' as it's top link along the side. I look there and one of it's main stories ( above the fold is a story that attacks the Green Party via a person most in the party describe as nutty, and naturally, is published by Counterpunch, which seeks to destroy the party from within and constantly highlight any nugget of infighting they can find.

    A purpose of the article is to turn people away from McKinney by describing her as a "demogreen," a term that is being created by a very few to divide the party -- in general no such term exists for Greens, but people like this author create them for a purpose. As one of the comments states: "This concept of "DemoGreens" is as useful as "Islamofascists" and in some ways share the same MO: disrupt and disconnect."

    I support McKinney and Nader, but this kind of thing only serves to undermine the party. A strong Nader supporter I talked to yesterday said they are trying to isolate people who are doing this kind of stuff and stop them because it helps no one.

    But this is what rockcreekpress puts front and center.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  11. Victronix

    One idea was for an alternative news wire that could support our cause and focus our energy.

    Another was for a inter/national TAKE BACK THE MEDIA day/week which would involve varying levels of dissent and civil disobedience.

    Those both sound good. Or maybe a one day a month action, like truthaction?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  12. truthmod

    Yes, maybe a monthly action (the 22nd of each month?) would be feasible. Taking our grievances directly to the corporate media could be a powerful strategy. I know it's been done before (I helped organize the 9/11/05 march on the NYT and other media outlets), and truthaction often takes this form, but maybe a more general and coordinated campaign against the media is necessary...

    I put up a few pictures from the conference:

    Posted 17 years ago #


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