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What's going to happen in 2008? What can we accomplish? (5 posts)

  1. truthmod

    There hasn't been much discussion in here about what we're actually doing or trying to do. It feels like many of us are simply in a state of anticipation, just waiting for the next "thing" to happen. And who can blame us, we're in quite a bind and nothing we do seems to have made much difference. The fascists are in power, and it's not just Bush and the neocons, but the whole corporate government media cultural complex.

    Of course, the key is to figure out how to inspire a mass awakening. Something tells me that this must be tied to a further awakening on our part--that we must truly face the facts of our situation and achieve a commensurate sense of resolve. We're all still bound by conditioning and instincts that prejudice us towards "safety," "comfort," and inaction.

    So what are some objectives for 2008? Personally, I have less and less stamina for discussing the intricacies of 9/11 while the planetary crisis becomes more apparent every week.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. I'm hoping we can do more to give a mirror to those who believe in this unsustainable way of living.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. chrisc

    I don't think this article has any answers (nor do I) but it seems to be describing the problem:

    Climate Change, Sabre Tooth Tigers and Devaluing the Future

    Those on Easter Island, Rome and the Mayas and Aztecs were neurally not dissimilar from us. To recognize they valued the present even when they could forsee the future (cutting down the last tree) means we have to acknowledge ahead of time that our intelligence will be trumped by our emotion, and plan accordingly.

    I haven't read it properly or read the comments yet...

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. truthmover

    For those wondering what TruthMove will be up to in the new year.

    • Back to regular street action with our new larger, and still hand made, banner sign which says, "9/11 ?" on one side, and "Unsustainable way of like" on the other. We will also be making new flyers presenting enviromental facts to go along with our 9/11 flyers.

    • A "Voice of the People" (or some title like that) video series for YouTube, each about 3 minutes, and featuring a specific question asked of many people during our street actions, and their diverse responses.

    • The second TruthMove gallery event. We will be finding a gallery, larger than last time, in which we can set up a multi-media presentation of facts and our activism.

    • Recruitment. We have a goal of finding many more people who understand the principles and strategies that make this project unique, and would like to commit some time and energy to promoting a candid view of reality.

    • A larger focus on issues outside of 9/11 truth. While we will continue in our commitment to exposing the public to the facts about 9/11, we are also very aware of the need to connect with the public about issues such as environmental sustainability and global violence. We are redoubling our efforts at promoting the concept of a general Truth Movement.

    And here are a couple of things we will be trying to do:

    • A large venue symposium featuring prominent speakers who will address the need to have a parallel and unifying commitment to informed consent along side each of our individual political concerns.

    • Weekly or bi-weekly news/education/activism meetings.

    Anybody want to add something to this list?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. truthmod

    Sounds like a good agenda...

    Maybe we can get the claims project going again:

    Ooops, looks like it's down.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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