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Visibility 9-11 on Peak Oil (12 posts)

  1. chrisc

    I have yet to listen to this:

    This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes author of The Energy Non Crisis, Pastor Lindsey Williams. Pastor Williams is a whistle blower who worked for three years as Chaplin on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline construction project where he learned that there is no shortage of oil in the world and that elites have formulated a plan to use oil as a mechanism to control the world. Pastor Williams' warnings and predictions have since came to pass in the nearly 30 years since his experience in Alaska. Pastor Williams makes predictions for the price of crude oil in this episode and discusses the crumbling myth of "peak oil". This is a must hear interview for everyone who wishes to understand the recent surge in gasoline prices to over $3.00 a gallon.

    I have however been listening to some of the audio on this site and it's rather depressing... Just as I wish climate change was just a "NWO plot" and 9/11 was just a "Bin Laden plot" it would be nice if Peak Oil was just a plot, but with stories like the following I can't see that it is:

    BP to pump billions into oil sands despite green worries and high costs

    BP teamed up yesterday with the Canadian oil group Husky Energy in a multibillion-dollar deal that will give the UK group a strategic presence in oil sands for the first time. BP is following Shell in investing heavily in oil sands but there has been criticism from green groups over the environmental impact of extracting the oil.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Yeah, I saw Michael Wolsey going in this direction.

    He also had on these people:

    If you look at the links on the Visibility 9/11 site, it's a lot of Ron Paul, Alex Jones type stuff

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. chrisc

    He claims that there is a huge supply of oil on the North Slope of Alaska, and that it's only going to be announced when the price of oil hits $150 per barrel... Oil is not a fossil fuel... We have no shortage of crude oil... The Bible is always right... A lot of time was spent advertising his DVDs and books...

    This show made the last really bad one, the Capt. May show from August 2006 seem good... Lindsey Williams is a snake oil salesman... :-/

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    I saw Fred Thompson addressing the NRA on CSPAN a while back. He said to his constituents something like this, "You have nothing to feel guilty about. America has been righteous and brought freedom and democracy to the world throughout her history."

    I feel that those in the 9/11 truth movement who decry the "elite globalist environmental hoaxes" are pulling the same tactic: indulge your audience's (and your own) denial and allow them (and you) to displace any feelings of doubt or guilt upon a demonized third party.

    Fundamentally, Alex Jones, RP, and friends CANNOT admit their own complicity in the corrupt system or face the need for truly fundamental, societal, cultural CHANGE. THEY AREN'T CHANGE.

    There are two sides, of course. You can get too caught up in personal doubt or personal guilt and not focus on the key individuals and institutions that are really perpetuating this insane system (and doing something about it). It's a balance, like everything. But I have no doubt that if people like RP or AJ somehow took power in this country, truth and justice would not prevail.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. DBLS

    What's the point of being divisive just because people disagree with the "Peak Oil" theory? Now Wolsey has to be "pushed away" right? Come on.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. truthmod

    What's the point of being completely deluded as to the importance and reality of environmental issues? You have disrespected us on many occasions, DBLS. You have shown an utter lack of regard for science and common sense. Please do not come on our board and call us divisive. You and your friends who think global warming is a hoax and that Ron Paul should be president are the divisive ones.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. mark

    The elites have used oil to control the world for over a century, now, and they hope to use the remaining oil to control the remaining decades of the age of oil. This is not exactly news.

    Most of the oil discovered in the North Slope oil fields has already been extracted. shows how the peak of Alaska production was in 1988 - almost twenty years ago. In 2006, Alaskan oil extraction was 37% of the peak of 1988. Neither the Republicans who want more oil drilling nor the environmental groups campaigning against more drilling discuss this fact, but as Aldous Huxley said, facts do not cease to be facts because they are ignored.

    Perhaps there's a former pipeline worker who preaches religious fundamentalism who cannot understand the concept of plate tectonics (which nicely explains petroleum formation), but that has no scientific validity and no media institution that was required to fact check these sorts of assertions would give it any air time. The mainstream media restrict free speech but at least they make an effort to check facts (which is a cover for their form of propaganda). On-line blogs can allow any form of speech, but few of them document any efforts to check their facts, which makes most of them unreliable (for a different reason why the mainstream media is unreliable).

    The easiest to get petroleum has been gotten. Now comes the more difficult to extract oil which is harder to process.

    I'd love to hear someone who thinks Peak Oil is not real explain their belief about why the oil industry ended in Pennsylvania. Hint: It's the same reason why 200 foot tall trees aren't being cut down in New England any more and why gold mining is essentially ended in California.

    Claims that oil is infinite are either a psychological blockage that makes it difficult to accept a round (ie. finite) planet or disinformation to distract people from demanding that the rest of the oil should be used in a humane and sane manner (solar panels, not battleships).

    The real Peak Oil conspiracy is that the public is not allowed to be part of the decisions about how to cope with the environmental crisis.

    Are there any disbelievers in Peak Oil who talk about the need for energy efficiency, to stop petroleum pollution that causes cancer and fouls the atmosphere, to reduce consumption, improve Amtrak, relocalize food production or other steps to reduce dependence on oil. Selfishness is not a great approach for figuring out how to have a sustainable civilization.

    There's also peak natural gas, peak mineral resources (they can only be mined once!), peak fish, peak forests, peak soil, peak food, peak water and many other limits to endless growth. We have only one Earth, but most Americans act as if we'll just grab some more planets when we strip the resources from this one. That's the real issue and it's not solved by name calling, appeals for false unity, or various distractions that avoid the core problem of a round planet.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  8. chrisc

    We have only one Earth, but most Americans act as if we'll just grab some more planets when we strip the resources from this one.

    Not only Americans -- it appears that a lot of the population of the planet, the TV watching population anyhow, aspires to consume like this :-|

    Posted 17 years ago #
  9. truthmod

    Is this an "elite globalist hoax?"

    'Only 50 years left' for sea fish

    Is this an "elite globalist hoax?"

    Amazon rainforest 'could become a desert'

    What about all of these?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  10. An "elite globalist hoax"? That sounds like the oil talking.

    That is, all that "freedom" and "liberty" that they are talking about doesn't sound Constitutional as much as the dependent freedoms one gets from the cultural architecture of oil abuse.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  11. ScottLedger

    I'm not new to 9/11 truth , but I am new to this forum... I want to turn you all on to... CSP

    Concentrated Solar Power

    Getting rid of Oil is not as difficult as you might think. Check out these CSP web sites

    Backyard Solar

    Large scale solar with Stirling engines

    Power Towers (really big in Spain)

    The same... No OIL...No Coal...No Nuclear :)

    It is the future for all of us :)

    Posted 16 years ago #
  12. truthmod

    I hope so. The Stirling engines are pretty cool. Technologies that could have ameliorated some of our problems and excesses have been around forever (since the beginnings of technology), but we don't seem to have a good record at actually adopting them, probably because they would have a democratizing effect.

    It's good to keep an eye on solutions like this, but I don't think they can magically solve the momentum of global warming, mass extinction, and resource depletion.

    Waste not, want not
    Plastics maker Sintex seeks to solve India's energy and sanitation problems in one stroke - with an at-home biogas digester.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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