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Cui Bono? The 9/11 Promotions (8 posts)

  1. Arabesque

    Cui Bono? The 9/11 Promotions

    From Wikipedia: “Cui bono… is a Latin adage that is used either to suggest a hidden motive or to indicate that the party responsible for a thing may not be who it appears at first to be… Commonly the phrase is used to suggest that the person or people guilty of committing a crime may be found among those who have something to gain, chiefly with an eye toward financial gain. The party that benefits may not always be obvious or may have successfully diverted attention to a scapegoat, for example.”

    To believe in the 9/11 “official story” is to believe in a massive, coordinated, and “coincidental” failure at many levels in which those most responsible for preventing the attacks were not fired or reprimanded and instead promoted. The 9/11 official story depends on your ignorance of the facts, not on your knowledge of them. On top of this, there is very strong evidence to suggest that other parts of the attacks including the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7 were deliberately orchestrated to make sure that the attacks were successful.

    Who really benefited from the 9/11 attacks? Why were whistleblowers silenced? Why weren’t officials reprimanded? Why were they promoted? Why did the FBI suddenly become “competent” immediately after the attacks? Who profits from the billions of dollars spent on the 9/11 wars? Cui Bono?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. JonGold

    Excellent write-up Arabesque. Can you please post it on my site with links, etc...?

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. Arabesque

    I will do that when I get a chance. Thanks!

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. DBLS

    Dude, this got carried on prisonplanet by the way great job! I hope this helps boost readership for your blog;

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. Arabesque

    Thanks DBLS. I've had a few of my articles posted on prison planet. I'm going to try and get this published in other venues after I have a 9/11 researcher comment on it. I've since added three more 9/11 promotions to the piece that I've found.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. That was a very clear overview of the subject.

    In regards to the subject of "who benefits", how does pop culture, especially in the more economically privileged regions, mimic that behavior? In other words, if our culture didn't support the incompetence cover story, they themselves would not benefit.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  7. truthmod

    Sorry, I just finally got around to reading this whole piece. Excellent angle. You've laid things out quite clearly here in a way that will probably connect with many skeptics (of 9/11 truth) and newcomers. Great job! Don't let the time consuming dissection of disinfo keep you from writing more pieces like this.

    Posted 16 years ago #
  8. Arabesque

    Don't let the time consuming dissection of disinfo keep you from writing more pieces like this.

    There are a lot of areas about 9/11 that are great to look into for research articles. I looked around and I couldn't find a single article that dealt comprehensively with the issue of promotions... I found that rather amazing. So I did my own research, found as much material as I could and put it together.

    For example, I did another article just on the building designer claims. It's amazing how every single claim by the designers reinforces that the buildings should not have collapsed. Not only that, one of the building designers has been putting out FALSE statements since the attack. This is something important that 9/11 activists can use to question the official story. Ask the building designer why he's making false statements. Ask for answers.

    If there are any other areas of unexamined research, everybody can do this. Just find something that's not examined, look for sources, collect the information and write a piece about it. This contributes to knowledge and can be used to enhance our case for proving that the official story of 9/11 is a joke.

    Posted 16 years ago #


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