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Jim Hoffman discusses Disinformation and Disruption (6 posts)

  1. Arabesque

    Cosmos and Truth Revolution Radio: October 15, 2007

    Cosmos interviews Jim Hoffman of 911 Research: Discussion of Disinformation, Disruption, and the Kennebunkport Warning Controversy

    Cosmos: Jim’s also done a lot of work in the study of disinformation. What is that? …so many movements have been disrupted, some destroyed by disinformation campaigns. To think that you can be an activist or promote activism and not have to deal with this topic at all is very uninformed, wrong-headed, and quite frankly dangerous. If you focus on disinformation… all these people will say… “this is distracting, don’t talk about it”—I just want to read a quote from my colleague Arabesque... He says: “The official story of 9/11 is disinformation, which means that the subject of disinformation is a vital and essential topic of 9/11 discussion. The opinion that disinformation is ‘extraordinarily low’ in this movement misses the mark by a long-shot since the very purpose of our movement is to expose the disinformation of the official story of 9/11. We cannot avoid the subject of disinformation.”

    Hoffman: Civility, having guidelines of behavioural norms, that there are some things that are over-the-line… If people are going to inject racism or ad-hominem attacks, and disruption—why do we waste our time opening our forums to people who do that? There should be these basic guidelines, norms that we follow, and I’ve seen so much resistance to establishing that kind of environment from some of the leaders of the movement. [It’s essential to have a] civil environment in which we can [critique each other] and show that 9/11 was an inside job.

    Hoffman: It’s so clear. What possible motive would there be someone to go making these vicious characterizations of these really well known peace activists like Cindy Sheehan… When people like [Cosmos], Arabesque, and Wolsey report on it, to be viciously attacked by Tarpley with all these ridiculous accusations of COINTELPRO…? Very entertaining to watch, very vivid, just lurid—it’s ridiculous. It’s all just completely concocted, he makes it sound like you, and Wolsey and these people that he’s saying are COINTELPRO just popped up in the last year is just an utter lie. I think it’s a really good test of whether people are really in this in the benefit of our movement: are we going to tolerate this sort of thing? Where are the voices of the alleged leaders of the 9/11 truth movement about this and similar incidents? I think the silence from some quarters is deafening.

    Hoffman: ...educate yourself about the whole issue of COINTELPRO and what the nature of this cover-up is—to inject nonsense into the investigation, surround our valid analysis of the attack that can be used in straw-man attacks in the Media, and to create this culture within the movement that is hostile to critique. Our challenge is to create a culture that has these guidelines that doesn’t accept this over-the-line, outrageous [behaviour]. What people are making excuses for it, and what people are pointing it out? Maybe that’s a better indicator of who should be recognized as who is really contributing to this movement.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Victronix

    What people are making excuses for it

    Yes, I was just listening to a radio program this morning focused on racism and the common claim of the "Jews controlling the media" came up as a good example of anti-semitism. This is the exact claim that Capt Eric May makes, yet Carol defends him by saying that he says he isn't anti-semitic, so he isn't

    That's an excuse to allow it.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. funhouse1970

    I personally would never argue that "Jews control the Media". However I would say "the Media is Controlled".

    This seems obvious to me.

    Controlled by whom? You could call the The Establishment; a cabal of powerful men of no particular race or religion working through corporations and foundations - Plato's self-appointed Guardian Class. They control the Deep State (a term coined by Peter Dale Scott - same as Thatcher's "parallel government", Cheney and Rumsfels's COG, the shadow government, etc.) as well as the State (currently engaging in horse races for the public called elections). The Media is an arm of the Deep State.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  4. JohnA

    Funhouse is absolutely correct on this.

    I think it is a combination of state control and money interests.

    We need to understand that mainstream big-name journalists are no different than politicians in that they have careers to protect - and are beholden to money. Their success hinges on walking the tightrope of pleasing those who pay their salaries - and the public.

    as is most often the case - the public loses.

    A man like Chris Matthews is not going to jeopardize his career - his book deals - his TV spots - his glamorous relationships to the politicians he depends upon for interviews - by uncovering stories that embarass his network, sponsors and the power elite.

    Journalists today are paid lobbyists. Lou Dobbs is the anti-immigration lobbyist. He is on TV every night doing PAID SPOTS on the horrors of illegal immigartion. He is beholden to his sponsors who pay for his 'opinions.'

    There are no herioc investigative journalists. We have PUNDITS doing TV commercials for the "guardian class" (as Funhouse puts it).

    We have studio journalists who come to work everyday and put on makeup and smile for the camera while ranting about pre-approved carefully vetted subjects written by personas unknown.

    and - lest we forget - the US intelligence services have a very deep presence in the media. This is a documented fact. all it takes is a few key people in a few key positions to maintain the editorial control over who and what makes the news. Carl Bernstein documented this many years ago. I doubt it has gotten any better.

    of course, anthrax in the mail helps remind people what the stakes are as well.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  5. Arabesque

    There are no herioc investigative journalists.

    The censorship is the real killer. I think there has been a lot of great independent research into 9/11 in the six years since, but the MSM just does not talk about the issues and facts at all as if they don't exist.

    It's all documented. It's all there. A lot of it is very credible.

    It never ceases to amaze me the amount of MSM censorship that is in effect.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  6. JohnA

    i agree. i was really only talking about the MSM.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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