What sites should go on the new Deception Dollars?
Carol Brouillet is looking for input on what new sites to put on an upcoming edition of the Deception Dollar. If you got any suggestions, post them here.
From Oil Empire DD page:
911citizenswatch.org - 9/11 Citizens Watch, which monitored the official 9/11 Commission, includes lots of material about whistleblowers
911review.com - 9/11 Review, an excellent analysis of the best and worst evidence (not to be confused with 911review.org, which is a hoax site).
cooperativeresearch.org - The Center for Cooperative Research, extremely comprehensive "timeline" of 9-11 and detailed articles
copvcia.com - most important 9/11 site, "From the Wilderness" by Mike Ruppert focuses on Peak Oil, drug money corruption and 9/11 www.fromthewilderness.com is a mirror site.
deceptiondollar.com - over 6 million in circulation
globalresearch.ca - good site from Canada, a lot of background material (although the open publishing "forum" on their site has attracted a number of postings with fake information, like all other "open publishing" forums that allow anyone to post anything - indymedia.org and its sibling sites have the same problem)
gnn.tv - Guerrilla News Network, Berkeley CA and New York based media group supporting cutting edge journalism, creators of "Aftermath: Unanswered Questions about 9/11," "Crack the CIA," and other films
legitgov.org - Citizens for Legitimate Government, daily news service
madcowprod.com - Mad Cow Press, the investigations of journalist Daniel Hopsicker, the only reporter looking into the "Florida flight schools" used to establish the "legend" of crazed Muslim terrorist pilots. To quote Sanders Hicks, Independent Network News, from his interview of 9/11 Commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste, "If Mohammed Atta was an Islamic Terrorist, why was he doing cocaine and going to strip bars with Americans just before the 9-11 attacks?"
oilempire.us - a political map to understand Peak Oil
onlinejournal.com - excellent analysis on 9/11, Bush regime corruption, and more
questionsquestions.net - this site contains a large amount of background material on 9/11, fake terror operations, and the reluctance of the "left gatekeepers" to discuss these issues. A bit excessively conspiratorial at times, but mostly correct.
ratical.org - an amazing resource on environmental issues, covert operations, indigenous perspectives and much more - one of the best sites on the internet - www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH
septembereleventh.org - 9/11 Visibility Project
standdown.net - good reference on the "stand down" of the Air Force on 9/11
unansweredquestions.org - questioning the official story of 9/11
wtc7.net - physical evidence and 9/11 - was World Trade Center Building 7 demolished? (it was not hit by a plane)
(A few sites that have been on the Deception Dollars are of mixed quality or low quality, but that doesn't effect the good material on the sites listed above. Some of the lower quality sites include 911dossier.co.uk, 911sharethetruth.org, 911-strike.com, infowars.com, and tvnewslies.org - those sites have a number of hoaxes that interfere with accurate understanding with what happened on 9/11, and why it was perpetrated.