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My thoughts about TruthMove (28 posts)

  1. Diane

    Good-bye for now

    Perhaps I can work with you at some point in the future, but, at the present time, it does not appear that my continued participation here is likely to be productive. It does not appear that TruthMove is a group whose strategy fits in with what I currently feel a need to do (which would involve, amog other things, being able to attend meetings). I also feel a bit uncomfortable here for various reasons I've already spelled out. And it appears that the discomfort is mutual.

    But I certainly do support TruthMove's overall aims, and I wish you the best ofl luck in attaining them.

    Hopefully we can have more productive interaction at some point in the future.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. christs4sale

    Diane wrote:

    But you then went on to give an example of such an infiltrator who later became a whistleblower. And it seems to me that, on the 9/11 issue, it would be extremely dangerous to the perpetrators for there to be very many, if any, whistleblowers. This necessity, in turn, would constrain the likely number of agents, it seems to me.

    First of all there are many methods of blackmail and many people who could be blackmailed and I am giving one example of which there are almost none of. Can this one rare example of a whistle-blowing agent provocateur be a good reason never to blackmail lots of people into do that again? I think you just select from a different pool of people that have more to lose.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. Victronix

    Glad to see a civil agreement to disagree. Rare and well done by all even through the intensity of the Anniversary events. Appreciate that.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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