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Virgin Atlantic showing Loose Change -- cancelled (2 posts)

  1. truthmod

    It was unbelievable that ever considered showing it in the first place, but this is scary how one person was able to intimidate them into not showing it. Maybe we can convince them to show Press for Truth instead...

    Folks, we made a difference. After our post about Virgin Atlantic airing the 9-11 conspiracy film Loose Change 2 as in-flight entertainment last night, the producer of Andrew Wilkow’s Sirius satellite radio show decided to make a phone call to Virgin Atlantic to protest the decision. Here’s what happened.

    This is Nick Rizzuto the Producer of Andrew Wilkow’s show. I’ve spoken to Virgin Atlantic’s Press folks, a gentleman named Paul Charles. After a heated 20 minute conversation where I threatened to spread this information throughout the conservative media and promised them a media firestorm and PR poison, they have decided not to show the film.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    I hope no one got their hopes up over this story. Images of the planes hitting the towers as in flight entertainment? Laughable. Press for Truth would be more appropriate, but I suspect this story was more about broadcasting the retraction, than the seriousness of the offer.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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