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The Reinvestigate 9/11 Brochure (3 posts)

  1. Victronix

    The Reinvestigate 9/11 Brochure

    The Reinvestigate 9/11 Brochure looks great!

    A couple of suggestions.

    I wouldn't include Fred Burks on the list - his website includes some nice resources but unfortunately mixes UFOs & Mind Control with 9/11, which as someone mentioned on here, is disrespectful to the families -

    Also, in the links area, I would include, which is a very basic site, about Building 7, since it is included in the text but the websites mentioned don't really cover it specifically.

    I'm not sure "Failed Air Defenses" is the best title for that part. I would recommend "Missing Air Defenses" or something. It really wasn't a failure . . .

    Thanks for your work!

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. yfhahn

    Thanks for the heads up

    Thanks, it's been a while since I've gone back into the book to revise it but taking Fred Burks out has been on my list (I wasn't aware of his "affiliations/interests" at the time).

    Will definitely add to the resources and consider some other text edits.

    One of our things TODO is to find someone who can help print them in large quantities--I've been using my college office services to distribute the booklets but I'm graduating this year so that won't be an option. If you have any suggestions on that (or any more edits/revisions) please let us know!

    Posted 17 years ago #
  3. truthmover

    What was that site? ;)

    One year ago, April 25th, at the United93 premier, and our first big banner sign, constructed originally for the 9/11/05 march. It says, "End the 9/11 Media Blackout" on the other side.

    This image was a phone pic of my TV screen, with the Tivo on pause. Two local news teams covered the event, and got shots of the banner. This one was on screen for many seconds. And we got a lot of camera time from foreign press. Les, Luke, Jason and Korey, Mark Roberts first appearance, it was an interesting evening.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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