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9/11 library or database ? (2 posts)

  1. M71

    9/11 library or database ?

    Hi all - can anyone suggest where a library or database for 9/11 info might be ?

    I've been studying the events of that day for quite some time and keeping all the info organized is time consuming.

    Is there some kind of library out there - would be great to be able to look up facts, figures etc quickly.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Victronix

    I don't know about a library but 9-11 Research is meant to cover as much ground as possible and includes most of the relevant facts.

    A good way to find things is to just use the search function.

    This is also an interesting site -

    And of course there's the timeline -

    Posted 17 years ago #


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