Libertarianism, overpopulation + more on Peak Oil
Yeah, I would say that we do need to reduce population. Does that mean that I am promoting extermination of 90% of the human race. No, that's not how logic works. It means we, the worldwide human community, should face the facts of our irrational, unsustainable growth, greed, and resource depletion and we should consciously and voluntarily aim to reduce new births.
Why does the overpopulation issue instantly elicit such accusations as above? People with a Libertarian philosophy often see the idea of restrictions and limits (in reproduction or resource use, etc) as a sinister and inherently evil suggestion. Well, what if we come to the conclusion that it's the best thing to do for our survival? Should this information be rationally spread/presented to humanity and should we work together, by free will to combat these problems?
There seems to be a fundamental selfishness and disregard in the minds of many libertarians---when anyone wants to tell them or ask them to stop doing something (having 10 babies, driving an SUV, wasting energy), they see it as an attack on their "personal freedom." Well, tough shit guys, you don't live on planet earth alone; there are 6 billion people here; you do not live in a bubble. You're damn right I'm saying that you are not "free" to use and waste and disregard as much as you want to. And if you refuse to see the rational logic in that, yes, your "free will" should be imposed on by the people around you.
Al Gore is a darling of the oil companies. They also really love peak-oil Cassandras and are enamored with energy alternatives like biofuels, wind, and solar. The myths du jour, preposterous and transparently idiotic as they may be, are not opposed by the presumed bogeymen in the oil industry, the supposed culprits of the situation. In fact, it is in the oil companies’ interest to promote the myths and even prolong them
Over the past few years, more and more apocalyptic stories have been popping up about a supposed phenomenon known as "peak oil." The theory is that we're running out of oil, the big powers are keeping it quiet, and as supplies dwindle, world-wide economic chaos will ensue.
This is hardly a new theory. According to the Chicken Littles of the world, we've been "about to run out of oil" for over thirty years. Obviously it hasn't happened yet. With the recent upswing in strife in the Middle East, however, the notion has gained in popularity.
The thing is, this theory is utterly false, and can be laid to rest with a single well-established fact: there is more oil in the Colorado shale fields than the entire Middle East had at its peak. The only reason we're still importing oil is that, at present, it is cheaper to do so than to extract it from shale. Until recently, getting oil out of shale has been a nasty and expensive business