And who turned DRG onto 9/11 truth? Fred Burks, who promotes the no-plane-at-the-Pentagon stuff heavily (his site has a polarity of either MSM NYT/WSJ articles, or Loose Change and In Plane Site, and virtually nothing in between). I may be wrong, it's just a guess, but given that he promoted In Plane Site as the best 9/11 video resource for a long time, and seemed to feel strongly that a plane couldn't have hit there, I would imagine he imparted this on DRG when he opened his eyes to 9/11 . . .
Some people feel that the no-plane-at-the-Pentagon meme is the most powerful discrediting tool there is, more so than the belligerent stuff, more so than the lunatic stuff. It's subtle and deeply dug in and attracts everyone who isn't able to hold the full spectrum of the evidence, only what attracts them. The full spectrum is a contradiction.