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Evidence of WTC 7 collapse foreknowledge? (2 posts)

  1. truthmover

    Evidence of WTC 7 collapse foreknowledge?

    There just might be something really amazing happening right now in the movement. It seems that emergency workers, pissed about the lies they were told, and the impact upon their health, are coming forward with eyewitness accounts of fire department warnings about the WTC 7 coming down, and even a 20 second count-down. Alex Jones claims that a number of EMS workers are on record confirming one another's testimony. Here's some video evidence that supports these claims.

    Foreknowledge of the building's collapse was not possible. Or, at least not with any precise ability to predict the time of collapse. So basically we can say that if the eyewitnesses are telling the truth, that it had to be a controlled demolition. And what does that imply?

    The buildings could not have been set with explosives on that day, in a building on fire. Someone with foreknowledge of the attack had to coordinate this before hand. And WTC 7 was one of the most secure buildings in all of Manhattan. A controlled demolition would not have been possible without the cooperation of people on the inside. With that reasonable assumption, assuming it is, we have an unanswered question so big that it could make 2007 the year we get past the MSM censors, and force this issue out into the open.

    I'm going to remain skeptical until I get further into this and establish the identities and general credibility of the eyewitnesses. It may be that we need more testimony, and that pushing this story will encourage others to come forward. I'll go tool around on Prison Planet and report back.

    (Mark, once again, I'm not implying that the NYFD or PD were in on it. All these people's response was being coordinated by someone higher up the chain of command.)

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    The two other eyewitnesses. Pretty credible, but old news.

    Former Air Force Special Operations for Search and Rescue, Kevin McPadden

    Indira Singh was a volunteer civilian Emergency Medical Technician at the World Trade Center on September 11th. She was a Senior Consultant for JP Morgan Chase in Information Technology and Risk Management.

    Here's the article at Prison Planet about all this.

    Am I chasing my tail here? Someone let me know if I just got suckered. It all sounds rather credible to me.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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