oilempire is a disinfo site
I'm sorry to see that you have apparently fallen for the oilempire disinfo. Their analysis attacking the Pentagon 'no plane' theory is complete nonsense. There is a consensus in the 9/11 truth movement that Flight 77 did not crash into the Pentagon. The physical evidence, if analysed honestly, simply does not support the official hoax that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. Only a few researchers, who appear to be primarily disinfo agents, are trying to uphold this official government lie.
Newcomers to the movement who happen upon certain websites, such as Jim Hoffman's 911research.com and 911review.com, or Mark Robanowitz's oilempire.us, are often fooled by the sophisticated methodology of disinfo they employ. In order to gain credibility in the movement, the disinfo agents will offer a limited hangout in which they present themselves as a genuine 9/11 truth researcher, but then do serious harm to the movement by attemtping to divide and discredit good people in the movement. One of the most common tactics is called "badjacketing", which is to smear someone else in the movement as an agent or a fake. In FBI COINTELPRO history, badjacketing was used extensively to destroy many social movements. As Barry Zwicker explained in his lecture, these agents know how to be very convincing. That includes Mark Robaniwitz at oilempire.us embracing permaculture and other things that gives more warm fuzzy feelings to people who then conclude "well, if they support good things like permaculture, then they must be telling the truth!"
Its important to understand that people like Jim Hoffman and Mark Robanowitz at oilempire.us are not interested in an open and honest debate about what happened at the Pentagon. If they were, then they would not be disparaging the efforts of, and questioning the motives of, those researchers who refuse to ignore the fact that the available evidence is entirely inconsistent with the crash of a jetliner at the Pentagon. It is absulutely inexcuseable for them to automatically accuse others of being disinfo agents who disagree with them. Especially when there are totally valid reasons not to buy the official hoax about the Pentagon attack on 9/11. That's why most of the credible 9/11 researchers, including David Ray Griffen, Webster Tarpley, Mike Ruppert (in those few moments when he is speaking privately and honestly), Steven Jones, Jeff King, and countless others dispute the official Pentagon hoax. At Scholars for 9/11 Truth (st911.org), probably the most credible 9/11 research group in the whole movement, NOBODY believes in the official lie that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.
"What about all those witnesses who saw a big commercial airliner crash into the Pentagon," you ask? Almost all of them can be proven to be agents of the Pentagon, the Bush Administration, the mainstream media, and high political operatives both Democratic and Republican. For an excellent review of the bogus "eye witness" accounts of the Pentagon, check out Dave McGowan's analysis here: http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr68e.html. Also, it is important to keep in mind that any experienced criminal investigator will tell you that physical evidence always outweighs eye witness evidence, especially when there is a discrepency between the two.
Another important point is that there was lots of eye witnesses who saw multiple aircraft, including what appeared to be a large Boing aircraft that flew towards the Pentagon and then veered off to the left at the last minute just before the attack. This could have been an intentional distraction by the perpetrators to confuse people. And, this could account for at least some of the eye witnesses who claimed to have seen a large commerical aircraft. And, most of the witnesses who say they saw a large commercial aircraft didn't actually see it crash into the Pentagon. I.E. first they saw the plane, then after it disappeared they saw/heard an explosion far away towards the Pentagon a little later.
Dave McGowan at The Center of an Informed America, probably has the most thorough overall analysis about what happened at the Pentagon and the ensuing disinfo campaign: October 2, 2004
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act II http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr68.html.
A little more homework on your part about the evidence of what really happened at the Pentagon can help you to see through the lies and deception being offered at sites such as oiempire.us. I think it is important for all of us in the 9/11 truth movement to identify and call out those who are attempting to do great harm to the movement, because it is a serious threat, as Barry Zwicker explained. I believe that the use of superior logic and intelligence by those of us in the truth movement who are willing to do our homework will prevail and let the truth win out.