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My research on the 911 Inside Job (2 posts)

  1. My research on the 911 Inside Job

    1. Operation Northwoods, "N E W Y O R K, May 1, 2001 In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.":
    2. Alex Jones Called It:

    3. Bin Laden First Said He DID NOT DO IT! Fake Confession Tape? Also see #30

    1. At least 4 hijackers turned up alive, but i heard as many as 9

    1. The melting Point of Steel is 3000F and Fire is around 500-700F with burning Jet fuel around 1200-1400F. Skeptics have claimed, Steel doesnt Have to melt, but only weaken to collpase, This May be true, HOWEVER, It would not make a 1/4 Mile High Skyscraper, Collapse in 9-10 Seconds. 10 seconds Per Floor Collpased, This is Impossible without Bombs.

    2. An increase of 400% increase in put options on 9-6-01 and 9-7-01 on serveral airline stocks. An increase of 1100% Increase an in increase of put options on airline stocks on 9-10-01

    1. FBI confinscated tapes at a nearby hotel and gas station minutes after the "plane" hit the pentagon.

    2. Debris from the building was taken and illegally sold to china before anybody could really investigate.

    3. If you watch the video of the towers coming down, You can notice bombs going off in the building.

    4. Larry Silverstein Admitted blowing up WTC7 On a PBS Documentary. Skeptics Have Claimed He meant He was Pulling the Firefighters From the Building. Thats Funny, I thought When you call a person or persons "him" "them" or "em" not "it". Meanwhile The firefighters Were already Pulled from the Building 7 Houes before it Collpased. Skeptics Have Claimed, Well Maybe he did hit the Dynamite, But It takes severals weeks for them to carefully place explosives in a building. Call any Demolition Company. (30sec)

    1. Larry Silverstein got High Insurance on WTC7 Including terrorism insurance.

    2. 6 Months Before 9/11 They passed laws saying No pilots can carry guns, when pilots were allowed to carry guns for 40 years. (I am not sure this is 100% Accurate, I need to look into this more. Please Let me know if you find anything.)

    UPDATE: It was actually 2 months, not 6!

    1. As Charlie Sheen said, How can a plane make a 270 degree turn and drop 7000 feet in attitude in less then 2 minutes?

    2. I heard it is impossible for cell phones to work on planes moving at 500mph and at 30000 Feet.

    3. The "hijackers" said the wrong islamic message when approaching death.

    4. Survivors and Eye witnesses Reporting seeing, hearing explosions. Laugh at the Firefighters!!

    1. Thermite was found at the scene. BYU Professor Steve E. Jones Have tested Postive some substance for Thermite, It was later Proven to cut the Main Pillars in the World Trade Center. It was the yellow goowy substance Dripping From the towers as CNN, FOX, Etc reported on 9/11/01. Also There was MELTED steel at the bottom of the rubble, The Steel MELTED From the THERMITE, Fire jet fuel can NOT MELT steel. This Is the #1 Piece of Evidence Against our Government and I hope they are brought to Justice.,1249,635198488,00...

    1. Janitor was offered Millions of dallors to shut up about the bombs he witnessed going off and he refused. First 5 minutes of the Video Below:

    1. Science Says Buildings Collasping CAN NOT fall at the speed of gravity unless Dynimite.

    2. In the New American Century Dick Cheney Said We need a new Pearl Harbor. "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor."

    1. Less then 15 Million Was spend Investigating 9-11 and more then 65 Million on Clinton (Appox)

    2. How can a 757 That is 129' Wide Make a 16' Hole? Not Possible

    3. Between Both Engines on Flight 77 Or a 757, Its combined weight is 10-12 Tons. It is made of Steel And Titnium. Its melting Point is around 2600F. The Fire didnt get anywhre near that tempurature at the Pentagon. Yet No Engines Were Found.

    4. You think fire can cause this?:

    1. Do you think People in a Cave can get NORAD to Stand down? NORAD Has drills where planes were hijacked and were on course to crash into the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Coincidence? I think not. That is what Cuased NORAD to stand down, Thinking it was just a Drill

    1. Jimmy Walter Is offering $100,000 To Anybody Who can Prove 9/11 Was NOT An Inside Job. Even PM Couldnt Stand Up.

    Update: He raised it to $1 Million

    People In Government Accidently Slipped in this Scripted False Flag Terror Plot:

    1. Bush saw the first plane hit live on tv: (1min)

    1. Rumsfeld Says Flight 93 was shot down: (30sec)

    1. Rumsfeld Says Missle Hit Pentagon - "Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center"

    And Silverstein Admitted Bombs Brought down WTC7, As I mentioned in Point #10.

    1. Those buildings were blown to Dust. No computers, No desks, No Anything, Dust, A naturally collpasing Building Can Not do That.

    2. The FBI Has No Hard Evidence Connecting Osama Bin Laden to the 9/11 Attacks.

    32.. People in the Scientific Community Risk there Lives, Jobs, and reputation trying to tell people the inside were an Inside Job:

    1. NASA Showed hot spots as well as ground zero recue workers of HOT spots above jet fuel tempurates. For more evidence watch these films:

    Recommended for Beginners:

    1. (90min)

    1. 9/11 Mysteries (90min)

    2. Are the Criminals Frightened?:

    3. C-SPAN conference: (90min)

    Recommended for intermediate:

    1. TerrorStorm: (2hr)

    2. Martial Law: (Excellent Film, 2hr)

    3. 9/11 the Road to Tyranny: (2hr)

    4. Masters of Terror: (2hr)

    5. 9/11 The Greatest Lie ever sold: (2hr)

    Now I am going to give you why they did it, then i will share some links.

    1. Patriot act

    2. Patriot act 2

    3. Eliminate the Consitution & Bill of Rights

    4. Bring forth the NWO and North American Union

    5. Bankrupt the USA to bring forth a NWO

    6. Scare americans to give up there right in exchange for "security" when you will just get tyranny and a police state.

    7. Justify an Iraq and Afganistan Invasion.

    8. Bring forth a Real ID Act, which was passed on 5-11-05, and then the "mark of the beast"

    9. To Pretty Much Allow Bush to do anything He wants. Look at this:

    1. To allow the Military CommissionsAct of 2006 to Pass, Which Took out 7 Sections of the Bill of Rights. Bringing America Down, Helps Bring in World Government.

    1. If you Notice Alex Jones speaking at the CSPAN Conference. (Video #5)He says its about World War 3 as well. I dont know to much about this, But If you look at a map. Afganistan is on the Right, Iraq is on the Left, and IRAN Is in the Middle. Once the USA Invades IRAN The US Could control All of the Middle East, and be on the Doorstep with China, for World War 3. According to the Bible 2 Billion+ Will Die (1/3 Population) I have a timeframe of around 2018 (2016-2020) In My Blog Entitled "I know When the End of The Age Begins" Which also connects 9/11 In the End times.

    Now if you want links goto and check that out and there are 50 links on the right hand side.

    Also check out

    This is a pretty cool 1 minute Video, 911 Truther Gets Angry At the NY TIMES:

    Last But not Least:

    Lots Of Skeptics give emailing me junk about PM and Debunking this, with Lies. So here debunks them:

    1. Debunked!

    2. Popular Mechanics Debunked!

    3. This idiot, has no argument at all. All he says Is because Dylan Avery, The maker of Loose Change is still alive, Its Because LooseChange is not true. Okay, If anything Happened to any famous 9/11 Truthers, Every skeptic would become a believer and 70+% of Americans Would believe its an inside Job In less then a week. Lots of people arent interested in historians information until they are dead. This guy should be ashsmed of himself for making such a page, Its sad people actually believe this crap. This guy thinks he knows it all. He has no arguement at all. He is conceded and full of it.


    These American Hating Nazi's Also have no arguement at all , All they do is Insult Truthers. They say Fire caused the collpase, Like they are some kind of Scientist. Scientists been saying explosives brung down the towers. Skeptics Covered it up.

    Hitler Once Said, The Bigger the Lie, The easier it is Believed.

    War on terror is a scam!!

    "In January of 2003 FBI and CIA whistleblowers told Capitol Hill Blue that the White House was scripting phony terror alerts to maintain hysteria, upkeep President Bushs approval ratings and milk extra defense funding. The report that five Pakistani men had entered the States via Canada and were planning on carrying out a dirty bomb or biological attack was completely conjured up by the Bush administrations black propaganda office. New York Harbor was shut down to visibly pump up the fear. One of the named suspects, Mohammed Asghar (pictured left), was tracked down to Pakistan by the Associated Press. He was a fat guy running a jewellers shop and had never even been to America.

    Thank You for reading, We must fight this and expose this and resist The New World Order, and Resist the cashless society.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    Good list. A couple comments.

    Thanks for posing a summary of the evidence you find most compelling. Most of its solid in my opinion, but I wanted to mention a couple of things I find somewhat questionable, and a correction or two. All certainly in the spirit of mutual cooperation and debate.

    4 On Sept 20th, Robert Mueller was forced to admit that the hijackers identities were in question after it was revealed that a number of people on the list had received US military training. Soon after a few of them, better to say 4, as those are well confirmed, turned out to still be alive. The FBI has never made any corrections to the official list of hijackers.

    What this most directly signifies is that the patsy hijackers we given other people's identities. This suggests that we don't know who the hijackers really were, not that the 'hijacker's are still alive' as so many say. The point to be emphasized here is that the official story is incomplete.

    9 This statement is pure conjecture, and lacks the academic tone of most of the rest of your list. You had me up to this point, and then seem to have wandered off course. Its generally not good to tell people how they will interpret the evidence. Give them the facts, and suggest your interpretation.

    The whole 'sqibs' thing isn't going to ruin the movement, but the interpretation of video evidence does not come close to the evidentiary weight of documentation. I have probable cause to suspect that the towers were demolished. However, I have seen first hand, many in the movement very poorly interpreting what they see in videos and images. In other words, while the case has been made, there are still people latching on to evidence that is not essential to that case. Its really all how you talk about it or frame the evidence.

    Here's the intro to our Demolition page.

    "While it may sound outlandish, the total collapse of the World Trade Center towers cannot be adequately explained by the official story of crash damage and fire. In fact, the evidence much more accurately fits the hypothesis of controlled demolition through the use of explosives."

    Interpretation of the collapse video, is actually essential to much of the case to be made for controlled demolition, however, some interpretation stretches into the speculative.

    10 Larry Silverstein did not 'admit to blowing up the towers.' You shouldn't over-dramatize this issue. If he had done what you say he would be in jail. This video evidence shows Silverstein admitting that he and someone in the fire department had foreknowledge of the collapse of the building. (Note: Mark, just in case you are reading this, I'm not implying that the fire department was in on it.) And that's a big point, specifically because the building shouldn't have collapsed, and certainly not the way it did.

    But keep in mind, someone else entirely made that call. Not Silverstein, or the NYFD. Why? Specifically because these people could never have predicted that the building would fall. The only other precedent were towers 1 and 2. Its not like all expectations about structural engineering went out the window that day. So then, how did Silverstein obtain his prior knowledge? That's what I want to know.

    14 The cell phone research is highly in dispute, so you may want to leaving this one out for the time being. The passengers phone calls aren't really that important anyway.

    19 Think you are missing a word or two here. At the speed of gravity unless the resistance of core columns is progressively eliminated below the point of structural failure. This is the essence of controlled demolition.

    22 Warning! Disinformation. Go to our Pentagon page in the 9/11 truth section, and click on the image to blow it up. This image, if you hadn't seen it before, is a composite of four images taken of the face of the Pentagon soon after impact. It had to be composited because each of the four pictures is partially obscured by jets of fire retardant foam. It makes it quite clear to me that the damage is closer to 90 feet across, as pointed out by many astute 9/11 researchers.

    Unfortunately, many in the movement, including the current cut of Loose Change, have decided to take one or two of these obscured images and misinterpret what they imply. The 16' foot hole is a myth. Seriously.

    Your beginner links aren't my favorite. Its the 'for those that don't read' approach. Maybe that's pragmatic of you. While I do find these movies compelling, I do not find all of them very convincing. Big difference.

    Your ten reasons why are pretty solid, although with a more libertarian, anti-globalist angle than mine. Did I get that wrong? A bit like Alex Jones maybe? Hey, difference is gravy if we really are fighting for the same cause. I'm a fan of Alex Jones, and have found him to have adapted his approach to the issue of 9/11 truth, taking greater responsibility for the most relevant facts. He has said that the incidents at the Pentagon are a dry well for the movement. That made me feel like he wasn't about the big tent, but about the truth. He also recognizes that certain people and groups are trying to distract the public away from the most important facts. Not that he doesn't have his own obscure fascinations. But I think he's on the home team.

    "The Truth about 9/11"!?! Wow! I haven't seen anything this out of control in a long time. This pages presentation, with the music, and its association of credible sources with incredible sources I find highly suspect. It takes on the tone of propaganda, and I have found that people are not receptive to this approach. And some projects, that look very much like this one, are counter-intelligence operations. Beware! You weren't necessarily endorsing the site, so maybe I should unruffle my feathers.

    Your list of links to responses to our debunkers is great. Always a good reference. And yes, the War on Terror is a scam. That's one recognition that sets us on the same team, despite some of our differences. That's really one of the main conclusion of the 9/11 truth movement, and I hope we will all focus on the evidence that backs up that claim rather than pursuing evidence that leads us somewhere else.

    Good post. Thanks for your input. Hope I didn't ruffle your feathers too much.

    • Jules
    Posted 17 years ago #


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