9/11 truth in british press - shayler - no planes
EX-MI5 officer David Shayler, who will be in Liverpool to launch the Truth Movement, tells Paddy Shennan what he thinks about the New York terror attacks
FORMER spy David Shayler doesn’t have a story to tell. He has a million. And a lot of them might even be true.
Talking to him was incredibly interesting – and not just because he reckons he could be bumped off by dark forces at any time, thereby becoming the UK’s own Alexander Litvinenko.
We spoke on the ‘phone because, well, you can’t be too careful. I certainly wouldn’t fancy getting in a car with him – he says he has suffered three suspicious, potentially-fatal road accidents, in 1997 (driver fell asleep), 2002 (rear tyre exploded) and 2005 (dodgy brakes)