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RFK Junior, Tucker Carlson and the Koch brothers (3 posts)

  1. mark

    RFK Junior was recently on the Tucker Carlson show touting lots of covid disinformation. Masks are useless. Vaccines kill more than the virus. The only Constitutional right remaining is the Second Amendment. I'm sure the Fox audience loves that but it's a disgrace to the memory of his dad and uncle.

    THis interview was to promote his new book attacking Dr. Fauci, which of course helps distract from accountability for Trump. I hope Junior will be able to express concern that Dr. Fauci is receiving a non-stop barrage of lunatic violent threats ...

    RFK Junior's website is promoting the Brownstone institute, which is the new home for the right wing libertarian pandemic deniers affiliated with the so-called Great Barrington declaration. Several of its co-authors said only five to ten thousand people would be killed by covid in the USA, which was only wrong by a million or so, so far. Reminds me of the Soviet Life magazine profile of the Chernobyl reactors in Feb. 1986 that said the risk of an accident was one in ten thousand years (only wrong by 9,999 years and 10 months).

    The group behind Brownstone and its declaration is a Koch brothers funded operation.

    I'd rather hear Junior discuss what it was like to grow up knowing that he couldn't talk about how the CIA killed his dad and uncle, but he may be too traumatized to talk about that. The interview was scary to watch, not because of the alleged facts that Junior was spouting, but he looked in really bad shape. And when Tucker Carlson called him one of the greatest people in the country, that is another clue that something is wrong with him.

    His siblings are on record saying they love him but he's really wrong about public health. Sad.

    RFK Jr. Is Our Brother and Uncle. He’s Tragically Wrong About Vaccines.

    We love Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but he is part of a misinformation campaign that’s having heartbreaking—and deadly—consequences.


    Posted 2 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Your rejection of COVID questions seems to be mostly an attack on sources, not evidence.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  3. mark

    They're not "questions" but hoaxes.

    It's just like the insane 9/11 truthers who pushed the most outrageous nonsense while saying they were just asking questions. They weren't - they were running interference for the stand down and war games, whether knowingly doing so or just out of low IQ.

    RFK Jr getting in bed with the Koch brothers, John Birchers, Roger Stone, other Trumpers is beyond embarrassing. Any competent medical expert can easily refute the nonsense he is regurgitating.

    The real covid conspiracy is that Trump, et al. let it happen on purpose since they hoped it would sicken liberal Democratic places like New York. By the time it spread to rural Republican communities it was too late to admit making a mistake. RFK Jr. is helping Trump's legacy - indeed, he even asked Trump to put him in charge of US vaccine policies (fortunately Trump decided against that).

    Posted 2 years ago #


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