It's hard to prove "conspiracy" by promoting hoaxes, even if they are popular in a small group. It's not "truth" to claim the firefighters were lying when they watched the towers buckle before they fell down. It's fortunate the towers stayed standing long enough for most of the occupants to escape.
Fire has toppled skyscrapers, it's not common but not unprecedented.
The Boeing 747 that hit an apartment building in Amsterdam in 1992 (?) - an accident - caused part of that building to collapse immediately upon impact. It was a cargo plane, not full of passengers, so the casualties were almost entirely on the ground (except for the pilots). Probably not much consolation for the people on the ground but at least it wasn't deliberate.
Meanwhile, how many demolition promoters know about Able Danger, Alec Station, the NRO plane into building exercise during the attacks, or anything else that would put the official story promoters on the defensive? In my experience, almost none.
Asking someone promoting the "no plane Pentagon" hoax for input about any of this is either deliberate distraction or utter incompetence, but either way, it's ridiculous.