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Splintering of the Left - Communists, Socialists, etc. (9 posts)

  1. truthmod

    I attended an event at the Revolutionary Communist Party bookstore in Berkeley. They've been handing out a fairly concise one page statement on the threat of fascism and I thought I'd give them a chance. Bad idea. Total bait and switch. As soon as I got there, I was taken aback by the uniform propaganda slogans on the walls, the aging audience, and the name BOB AVAKIAN everywhere. It was a cult, no doubt.

    A friend also gave me a pamphlet from the Socialist Equality Party (Jerry White & Niles Niemuth is their presidential ticket). Same ideological, inflexible, dismissive tone. Same old, white demographic. Probably full of the same infiltrators.

    Both these parties attacked Bernie Sanders as a sort of capitalist plant on the Left. Yes, maybe he doesn't call for the violent overthrow of capitalism, but he was on the right track and he was very close to actually being president.

    I don't see the communists or the socialists talking about hidden history. They also often play down the environmental crisis because it doesn't fit into their decrepit economic analysis.

    I've always thought that the first place we need to start is with truth. How about the Truth Party? I know it's already probably been done and the word has become meaningless to many, but something along those lines...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  2. mark

    The RCP is still around?

    "In the Soviet Union, government controls industry. In the United States, industry controls government. That is the principal structural difference between the two great oligarchies of our time." Industrialism, whether of the capitalist or socialist coloration, is the basic tyrant of the modern age. -- Edward Abbey

    I want to say to you as I move to my conclusion, as we talk about "Where do we go from here," that we honestly face the fact that the movement must address itself to the question of restructuring the whole of American society. There are forty million poor people here. And one day we must ask the question, "Why are there forty million poor people in America?" And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth. When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I'm simply saying that more and more, we've got to begin to ask questions about the whole society. We are called upon to help the discouraged beggars in life's marketplace. But one day we must come to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. It means that questions must be raised. You see, my friends, when you deal with this, you begin to ask the question, "Who owns the iron ore?" You begin to ask the question, "Why is it that people have to pay water bills in a world that is two-thirds water?" These are questions that must be asked.

    Now, don't think that you have me in a "bind" today. I'm not talking about communism.

    What I'm saying to you this morning is that communism forgets that life is individual. Capitalism forgets that life is social, and the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of communism nor the antithesis of capitalism but in a higher synthesis. It is found in a higher synthesis that combines the truths of both. Now, when I say question the whole society, it means ultimately coming to see that the problems of racism, the problem of economic exploitation, and the problem of war are all tied together.

    -- Martin Luther King, Jr., "Where do we go from here?" 1967

    Posted 7 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    RCPUSA is the group behind the Refuse Fascism umbrella. I don't think I ever really knew that World Can't Wait was run by RCP back during the Bush years. They had a pretty wide reach in NYC and I went to some of their meetings. I don't think many of the people knew it was a communist group. I am a bit cynical about groups like this that bring in new recruits without revealing what the sponsoring organization/ideology is. But of course, not falling prey to divide and conquer may be more important right now.

    Critiques of the RCPUSA:

    The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (RCP, USA), known originally as the Revolutionary Union, is a Maoist communist party formed in 1975 in the United States. The group has few members at this time and is considered by many to be a relic of the Old Left. The organization's main activities include publishing the Revolution newspaper (formerly the Revolutionary Worker), publishing books, running front groups and promoting the writings of their main leader, Bob Avakian.

    Anti-WCW pamphlet World Can't Wait

    World Can't Wait was initiated by the RCP in 2005. It's primary activity is organizing periodic anti-Bush protests, suggesting that the RCP seeks to exploit the widespread anti-Bush sentiment for their own interests. It appears that World Can't Wait is being used by the RCP to raise money from liberals who aren't aware of the group's ties to the RCP. For example, World Can't Wait established a new office on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC earlier this year. The group has also been running full page ads in the New York Times, an expensive for of outreach that is beyond the means of small groups such as the RCP. It also appears that the RCP is trying to lure anarchists and other radicals to World Can't Wait protests in hopes that incidents will happen that will generate press about the protests. Front Groups

    The RCP has a long history of running front groups to allow the organization to have influence in various social movements. Many Marxist-Leninist organizations use front groups, which allow them to further the interests of the parent organization in other organizations, coalitions and movements.

    Marxist-Leninist organizations such as the RCP and WWP who operate front groups don't hide their sponsorship of these groups very well, but the front group is effective because most working people don't bother to learn about who is responsible for the front group. The easiest method to determine if a new group is a front group for an existing Marxist-Leninist organization is to observe who functions as the prominent spokesperson for the new group. Since the front group is supposed to be a platform for the interests of the parent group, leaders of the parent group will usually play spokesperson roles in the front group. Front groups are designed to give these leaders prominence in movements in a way that hides their association with the parent group.

    Another method of determining if a group is a front group is to look at the organizational structure of the group. Are there any board members that are known members of the front group? Does the front group use the same address at the parent organization? Does the front group use the address of another known front group? Which groups are endorsing the front groups call for actions? If the list starts off with the names of people associated with the parent group and it lists other front groups, the new group is likely to be a front group. One of the easiest methods to determine an association--which the Marxist-Leninist groups are being more careful about--is to find out where the front group's website domain is registered. Lastly, one can also determine an association between groups by looking at links on websites.

    WCW domain registration

    Posted 7 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    It is strange that RCP and other communist/socialist groups seem to have very small membership or awareness, yet they are often at the forefront of organizing protest marches and movements.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  5. BrianG

    I started working with World Can't Wait in 2005 organizing demonstrations against the wars, against torture, against Bush's illegitimacy, against John Yoo (the incompetent pro-torture lawyer) and Condi Rice (the torturer and 9/11 perjurer), against the Marine recruitment center in Berkeley. They sat me down right at the start and told me they were communists.

    I thought it was a pretty sad state of affairs when the only mass movement that was willing to go out and demonstrate support for Constitutional rights were the communists. (Of course there were groups--ACLU, CCR, EFF and the like. Not exactly rabble-rousers.)

    While I could join with them on issues, I'm just not an ideologue and I never could read their newspaper articles or watch the Avakian DVDs. Eventually traffic conditions made the drive to Berkeley or SF for demonstrations very burdensome. I also objected to some sloppy fact-checking in some of their propaganda.

    But what really impressed me was their endorsement list. I was somewhat paranoid as I started developing opinions about 9/11, and it was nice to think that if something happened to me, a lot of prominent people might find out about it and maybe do something about it.

    As I understand it, the RCP and ANSWER began as a common group organized by Ramsey Clark and split over ideological disputes, but still sometimes work together in organizing. Of course we saw the demonstrations get smaller and smaller and smaller. My first demonstration with them we had 50,000 people. My most recent one we considered very successful when we had 20.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  6. mark

    Our tax dollars are hard at work.

    The Socialist Workers Party, another splinter group, was embarrassed a generation ago when it was revealed that at its peak (early 1970s?) one in six of its members were government agents.

    I always thought World Can't Wait front group was designed to soak up energy and dissipate it safely, like a lightning rod.

    I assume most of their endorsement list didn't know who sponsored the group.

    Just being an "anti" group and not actually creating anything is the Old Left paradigm of failure.

    The fact that the demonstrations fizzled out shows their strategy was a success, that seemed obvious from the start ...

    I expect we will have similar covertly funded front groups for the Trump years.

    Me? I'm a Groucho Marxist and don't trust Commie fronts.

    "We're not the Judean People's Front, we're the People's Front of Judea!" SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2005

    Is that your final A.N.S.W.E.R.?

    And he just walked along, alone, with his guilt so well concealed. And muttered underneath his breath, "Nothing is revealed." - Bob Dylan

    Another march on Washington, and more grumbling about A.N.S.W.E.R.'s performance.

    Much of the noise comes from embarrassed moderates, who are new to the demonstration game and are simply not that demonstrative. Others suggest A.N.S.W.E.R. engages in bait and switch: draw mass numbers with the cause of Iraq and then use the platform to catapult the propaganda, including wedge issues bound to alienate sizeable contingents of the crowd, and serves to categorize a generalized anti-war movement in the terms of Stalinist caricature.

    Now I don't have a problem with radical politics. Those are my politics. And I do believe that mass events are good occasions to wisely shed light upon the interconnections of injustice. What I have a problem with is Ramsey Clark. I don't trust him. And so, I must have a problem with A.N.S.W.E.R. I don't trust it, either.

    A.N.S.W.E.R., established by Clark's International Action Center, shows a national, organizational savvy in securing police permits and outclasses and outspends all popular opposition groups in America. (Though there's no transparency regarding the source of its funds.) While the Iraq War is its rallying cause, A.N.S.W.E.R. was founded, presciently, on September 14, 2001, even before the "War on Terror" was officially launched, even rhetorically.

    Why don't I trust Clark? If LBJ's former Attorney General was ever going to win my trust, he would have repudiated his handpicked Clark Panel, its medical professionals linked to the intelligence community, and its findings a whitewash of John F Kennedy's incomplete and adulterated autopsy records. He would have apologized to history and America's thwarted justice for stating just days after the murder of Dr King, and even before a suspect was in custody, that "all of our evidence at this time indicates that it was a single person who committed this criminal act." Years later in The Nation, after his radical makeover, Clark said James Earl Ray should not be given a new trial, but rather his case ought to be studied by a government panel. As Lisa Pease asks in The Assassinations, "Did Clark really think the government, which produced the Warren Commission and the HSCA and failed to reveal the truth about either the Martin Luther King case or the Kennedy assassination, should have been given a chance to bamboozle us yet again?"

    The American Left of Chomsky and Cockburn and The Nation will never touch these matters of conspiracy. So Clark is largely untouched by his legacy of abetting three of the most egregious miscarriages of modern justice - John,Martin and Bobby - which, uncorrected, have brought America to this point of low comedy and great horror.

    If your intent is generational warfare, you had better give some forethought to the stage management of your opposition. As you turn up the pressure, you need to ensure people can vent some steam. It makes them feel better. Like they've done something.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  7. truthmod

    Brian--glad they were up front with you. I think many people didn't know who was behind WCW. Even on their website and history page, there is no mention of RCP or other groups. They seem pretty cagey. This was the only mention of founders/leaders I noticed:

    Over Labor Day weekend in 2005, as the waters of Katrina were covering New Orleans, 250 people gathered in New York City to found The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime. Sunsara Taylor and Debra Sweet chaired the discussions.d We took time out to march, with about 150 more joining us, around midtown, demanding, “rescue, not repression!” for New Orleans, which set a basic approach of immediate response to government action – or inaction.

    I tend to agree with Mark here:

    Our tax dollars are hard at work.

    It seems very likely that these groups are infiltrated (or founded by) government agents at a very high level. How does the RCPUSA/RevCom have the money to keep open a bookstore in Berkeley? I little searching seems to reveal that most of those on the Radical Left, even other communists, Maoists, socialists are suspicious of RCP and Bob Avakian. ANSWER is obviously suspect as explained above.

    Many people around the US have seen a large dark poster bearing the face of a man who looks like a cross between the devil and Lou Costello. That man is Bob Avakian, chairman of the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party. The poster campaign was to publicize the trial of Avakian and other RCP stalwarts for their raid on the Chinese embassy in January, 1979, during Deng Xiaoping’s trip to the U.S. We were told for months in the RCP literature that Avakian was the most dangerous man in America, that he was the best leader the U.S. working class has ever had, etc. The U.S. government intended to “railroad” Avakian and the other “Mao Tse-tung Defendants”, the RCP blared, because RCP was seen by the government as “the most dangerous revolutionary organization in this country.”

    How disappointed the motley crew that makes up RCP must have been when the government dropped all the charges against Avakian and company. From reading RCP literature, one would have expected they’d at least cut off his hand, or, maybe, have confiscated his cap. But alas, Avakian and his entourage have been let go scot free. (Maybe Bob’s dad, Judge Avakian, who is a California State Judge, put in a good word for junior and his pals.) No martyrs today.

    The bourgeois courts do work in their class interest, of course. After granting Avakian wide publicity in their T.V., radio, and newspapers, they have let him go because Avakian is too important for them to have locked up. Avakian has succeeded in widely discrediting Marxism-Leninism and associating communism with his own cult following and revolution with RCP’s social-fascist antics. Although the government is appealing the dismissal of these charges, at this point the bourgeoisie prefers Avakian running around loose, especially to prepare for RCP’s 1980 May Day rally, which will most likely attempt to provoke a police attack so RCP can finally have some martyrs. This will further serve the bourgeoisie by giving them another pretense to unleash a wave of terror against the working class and oppressed masses.

    Avakian is a leader all right, but not of the working class. His petty bourgeois and lumpen brigade is vying with CWP for leadership of the social-fascist trend. All these social-fascist groups have nothing in common with communism, and are only social props for the bourgeoisie that must be swept away along with their ruling class masters by the revolutionary proletariat.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  8. truthmod

    Refuse Fascism takes out full page ad in NY Times. I know World Can't Wait did the same thing. Many names I respect on this, but WHY does the most prominent organizing group HAVE TO BE THE RCPUSA, while they don't openly share this information???


    Posted 7 years ago #
  9. mark

    Read "1984" where the opposition to the Party was actually run by the Party itself.

    Or to use the conspiracy term, it is a "false flag."

    I don't know what it costs to take out a full page ad in the NYT, but it's not cheap - certainly beyond the means of a commie front group, unless they snookered some Hollywood star to pay for this.

    Posted 7 years ago #


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