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Left Right Spectrum and Trump Protests - BLM, Soros, Cryptogon (2 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Cryptogon is probably the one news source I follow most. He has a right wing slant though. I see him posting InfoWars stuff without questioning the source

    The new meme is that all the anti-Trump protests are just fake Soros/MoveOn sponsored actions. Maybe it's easier to believe that if you've lived in New Zealand for 10 years.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    It's not out of the question that there are some elite factions wrestling for control and manipulating various parts of the Right and Left. Scratch that, it's a certainty. But I'm not convinced about this....

    Here's the basic right wing theory on Soros' "color revolution":

    With this in mind, one might justifiably ask how these organizations might have such an effective network that operates in concert with a national corporate media apparatus in order to wreck legitimate movements and, out of those movements, create a counter-productive act of mindless fit-throwing?

    Posted 8 years ago #


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