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WaPost on Trump, Alex Jones, and the truthers (3 posts)

  1. truthmod
  2. BrianG

    I'm sorry I can't offer any Big Picture commentary because I'm distracted by the fact that the details of this article are so wrong.

    Here's a whopper, for starters:

    Truthers believe that fuel from the planes that struck the Twin Towers couldn’t burn hot enough to liquefy the buildings’ steel skeleton; ergo, the towers’ collapse was a government scheme.

    I don't think the truthers you know believe the towers' collapse was a government scheme. I don't think that you believe that jet fuel could liquify steel, either--but that's exactly what authority figures were telling us happened in the weeks and months after 9/11.

    The article goes on to say

    Then an unknown blacksmith comes along, tears apart another conspiracy theory with zero pretense and infectious authenticity

    Well no, he didn't tear apart anything. With the enormous leverage on that mild steel, he probably could have bent it with his pinkie at room temperature. Heating it up to yellow hot was just a red herring!

    This demo is so obviously wrong to anyone with even minimal metal-working experience that you have to wonder if Mr. Tye's intent was ironic.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  3. mark

    WaPost = CIA

    They know the weak points to focus on, and the demolition hoax is #1 for the Half Truth Movement now.

    A decade ago, no plane hit the Pentagon was more popular, so the WaPost focused on that instead when they ran their major hit piece just before Bush lost his re-election.

    The disinformation and debunking are two parts of the same coverup effort.

    Arguing over melting steel makes as much sense as arguing over the precise trajectory of bullets in Dealey Plaza in 1963, and it is precisely the approach that caused nearly everyone to tune out the truthers.

    Archived at

    Posted 9 years ago #


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