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Isn't is obvious that we don't want peace? (2 posts)

  1. truthmover

    Isn't is obvious that we don't want peace?

    Our government, that is. The majority of the public certainly do. Our policy in the Middle East, if you look at the means, and ignore our governments endless repetition of our supposedly justified ends, is very obviously aimed at destabilizing the region in order to gain greater control of its resources and trade routes. GOD. Guns, Oil, and Drugs.

    The hanging of Saddam on a Muslim holiday of forgiveness. The proposal that we send in more troops. The gross understatement of Iraqi civilian death. Our flagrant disregard for international human rights laws. Our blanket support of everything Israel does. FOX News...It doesn't stop.

    How many pieces of evidence do we need before we decide to look behind the curtain, and accept what is really happening. The comfy excuses for tyranny are readily available, and yet so rationally flimsy, that to go along with the mainstream justification for our actions is to intentionally subdue areas of our critical thinking. A life of cognitive dissonance.

    Brzezinski said it best. "To put it in a terminology that hearkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together."

    He wasn't trying to be funny. He was implying that this old view applies in the present. In more modern terminology, that would be 1) to prevent weaker countries from working with one another in such a way that would diminish our control, while also ensuring that they depend upon our military for international security, and buy all of their weapons from us, 2) to ensure that all trade routes for essential and profitable resources are secured through military and intelligence operations, and 3) to prevent the lower classes of the world from unifying around any common cause critical of the present system.

    Pulling back the curtain, and its more like a bead curtain, these are the true ends that lie behind appeals to 'freedom' and 'democracy' made by those whose actions quite logically serve other interests. We have to be able to accept that people really do think this way. These people want war.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Well said. I actually found Brzezinski's The Grand Chessboard to be a compelling read, as it presents in a very frank manner the perspective that officials at the very top must find the only reasonable approach to foreign policy. You can almost be convinced of the realpolitik, until you realize what it means for your humanity.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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