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Nugan Hand (3 posts)

  1. truthmod

    Gotta love this one...

    Posted 10 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    Good one. Perfectly fits. Makes me think of Ruppert.

    Posted 10 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    Nugan Hand bank mystery: Michael Hand found living in the United States

    One of Australia's most wanted fugitives, Michael Hand, the co-founder of the Sydney-based international merchant bank Nugan Hand, has been found alive and well and living in small-town America.

    He vanished in 1980 amid rumours of CIA and organised crime involvement in the bank as the United States attempted to back anti-communist governments and anti-communist insurgents at the height of the Cold War.


    "The fact that Hand has been allowed to live the free life in the United States suggests that he belongs to a protected species, most likely of the intelligence kind. Indeed, an intelligence document I found places Michael Hand back working for the CIA in Central America 18 months after his disappearance."

    Posted 9 years ago #


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