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Boston Bombings 4/15/13 False Flag? (59 posts)

  1. truthmod

    I haven't heard any credible evidence pointing towards false flag, but my gut is to distrust any official explanation of this.

    People don't seem to be taking it very seriously. Maybe we're a little numb after all the mass shootings, especially Newtown. But this is important. Pay attention.

    I have been thinking in the last week or two about the fact that false flag terror is not going to stop; we only have to wonder when the next event is going to happen. We have these precedents and this ramping up or stringing along that feels scheduled. The people who have orchestrated past events have not been held accountable and they are left to continue with their master plan. In some ways, I'm on the same page as the Alex Jones camp on this. It's really hard for me to deny that we are being manipulated and there is likely a strong faction in our political and financial establishment that is aiming for an authoritarian security state.

    Something I read recently reminded me about the idea that Flight 93's intended target was likely the Capitol or the White House. While that may or may not be true, it does sound plausible and even logical to me. 9/11 was spectacular enough, but imagine if they had taken out the White House or Congress too. They might have just been able to declare martial law and seize power for good. Maybe that's what Cheney's plan was.

    These people aren't going away. I think they are aware of the projected environmental and political chaos coming up in the near future and they want totalitarian control of the population to deal with upcoming crises.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Some nutty infowars reporter is already yelling nonsense at a press conference:

    Heckler Interrupts Boston Bombing Presser With Accusations Of ‘False Flag Staged Attack’

    The first question that Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick received during tonight’s second press conference on the Boston Marathon bombings came from someone who may be a follower of conservative radio host Alex Jones. The questioner, who some on the scene are identifying as InfoWars’ Dan Bidondi asked Patrick directly if the bombings were a “false flag staged attack” meant to “take our civil liberties.”

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. mark

    Infowars is a false flag.

    A stopped clock is right twice a day.

    Infowars promotes environmental disinformation. Yes, the corporations fund the big environmental groups via their foundations (Rockefeller, Pew / Sunoco, Ford, etc). But the idea that the environmental crises don't exist is nonsense.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. truthmod

    Alex Jones: Boston explosion a government conspiracy

    While most observers are witholding judgment about what caused the two explosions at the Boston Marathon this afternoon, right-wing conspiracy theorists already know what’s going on — the government did it and is going to pin the blame on them because today is Patriots’ Day, a special day in the militia movement.

    Alex Jones, who has become the country’s preeminent conspiracy theorist, wasted no time. As with 9/11, Sandy Hook and other national tragedies, he sees the Boston explosions as a “false flag” attack committed by the government. The objective this time: Expanding the Transportation Security Administration’s reach to sporting events:

    Our hearts go out to those that are hurt or killed #Boston marathon – but this thing stinks to high heaven #falseflag

    — Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 15, 2013

    Explosions at the Boston Marathon. Don’t that the FBI has been behind virtually every domestic terror plot in the US, as NY Times reported.

    — Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 15, 2013

    Tune in for OVERDRIVE #Boston – Just wait folks, #TSA groping you at sporting events coming soon

    — Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 15, 2013

    Posted 11 years ago #
  5. truthmod

    Infowars is a false flag.

    Yes, we are aware of that and have done more than most people to expose it.

    Why the Conspiracy Theorists Will Have a Tough Time With Boston

    Shortly before 9 p.m. I got out of a much-needed, much-delayed catch-up with a friend who shared my desire to escape -- briefly -- the news from Boston. It was unescapable. A bar next door had turned a flatscreen toward the street, then cranked up the sound, so that CNN's live feed/interviews/speculation echoed around the block, attracting a steady crowd.

    We walked past it right in time to hear the "false flag" guy. Dan Bidondi, a "reporter/analyist" (sic) for Alex Jones's InfoWars, managed to ask Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick the very first question in a nationally televised press conference.

    Why were the loud speakers telling people in the audience to be calm moments before the bombs went off? Is this another false flag staged attack to take our civil liberties and promote homeland security while sticking their hands down our pants on the streets?

    Patrick, looking on with a mixture of rage and pity, said "no," surely aware that he couldn't halt this guy's incipient Internet fame.

    Which I'm furthering by writing about him. Sorry about that.

    Still, the emergence of the truthers was inevitable. My friend Alex Seitz-Wald was writing about it less than 90 minutes after the bombings, explaining that Jones et al looked at the carnage and figured "the government did it and is going to pin the blame on them because today is Patriots’ Day, a special day in the militia movement." More than 11,000 people quickly shared Seitz-Wald's article on Facebook, because before we actually know anything about the perpetrators of the bombings, the truthers make useful punching bags. Like Seitz-Wald says, it's easier to mock them them to speculate about right-wing motives (and become infamous on Fox) or Muslim connections (and... feel no repurcussions, really, but probably make yourself unelectable in 23 or 24 states).

    But the truthers have a tough road ahead. The attacks in Boston lack a number of the factors they need to concoct a really compelling conspiracy theory. They're always on the lookout for a "false flag" attack, a government-run ruse intended to bring public opinion in line. In reality, the last example they can point to of this is the Reichstag Fire; in fiction, it's usually fun to point to Watchmen. But the Boston bombings are going to present some challenges.

    Too many cameras and witnesses. There's hi-def video of the first explosion from, and there'll inevitably be more video from the spectators filming their friends at the finish line. Compare this to the classic founts of conspiracy-think: The meetings at Bohemian Grove, the Pentagon's damage on 9/11, the Kennedy assassination. The massacres at Sandy Hook, Aurora, and the parking lot in Tucson happened with no video cameras rolling.

    Bad information dies quicker these days. Most 9/11 conspiracy theories, as my colleague Jeremy Stahl discovered in 2011, were rooted in erroneous news reports. These things happen; Reporters on the scene are hustling and chasing rumors and tips, and sometimes bogus news gets out. But rumors don't fester like they used to. Shoddy rumors are run up the Twitter flagpole, then debunked; video, which includes the errors, can live online forever, but so can the corrections issued by the networks.

    No politician really stands to gain. This was supposed to be the week of liberal breakthroughs on guns and immigration. Both of those issues, and related bills, fade from the priority list for a few days. If you give the 9/11 conspiracy theorist a ton of credit -- and why would you? -- he draws a line from the aftermath to the PATRIOT Act and the Iraq War. The Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist points out that we got a debate on gun control. The reaction to a bombing at a marathon will bring... what? Unenforceable security standards on all city streets? Further militarization of police forces, something that was already underway?

    So far, the conspiracies are weak. And so easily debunked! There were no "loud speakers telling people in the audience to be calm." Jones seems obsessed with proving that there were bomb-sniffing dogs on site. It's a comforting worldview -- the only way that police on the scene might have missed the bombs is a conspiracy of silence. You can understand why they cling to this. Maybe they shouldn't get the first questions during the press conferences, thoug

    Posted 11 years ago #
  6. truthmod

    Alex Jones is the straw man for conspiracy research.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  7. truthmod

    Twitter conspiracy theories over 'man on roof' during Boston Marathon explosion

    A MAN wearing black on a roof is enough to have Twitter spouting conspiracy theories.

    A twitter account parodying musician Frank Ocean posted a picture of the "shadowy" figure on Twitter which has been shared almost 2000 times.

    "Who's that guy on the roof??," he tweeted.

    Ocean’s post has been retweeted 1904 times and others are asking why "The Media" aren't making a news story out of it.

    Let's be clear: there is no evidence that this man is in anyway involved.

    One user, @Urban_Supremacy tweeted that the man on the roof has been confirmed to be a Boston Marathon security employee.

    The panicked conspiracy theories are similar to those made during 9/11 that a "face" could be seen in the smoke of some kind of demon.

    The picture which at that time was shared by email (Facebook didn't exist then) was proven to be the creation of a researcher who was writing a thesis on conspiracy theories in times of public panic.

    People love conspiracy theories. Since before the days of JFK and the gunman on the grassy knoll, people have been jumping to their own conclusions.

    It helps them contextualise the fear and helplessness that follow a tragedy of this magnitude, experts say. It gives people a false sense of control

    Posted 11 years ago #
  8. truthmod

    FalseFlag: Boston Marathon Bombing Brings Out Conspiracy Theories



    The first question at Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick's press conference, following fatal explosions at the Boston Marathon, was from a conspiracy theorist, Deadspin reports.

    "Is this another false flag attack staged to take our civil liberties?" asked Dan Bidondi, a reporter for right-wing conspiracy website Info Wars asked.

    “No, next question,” a tired-looking governor replied.

    Alex Jones, founder of Info Wars and outspoken gun lobbyist, supported his reporter in a video posted to the web.

    "So many of these past events have been false flags," he We've got to study this and see what it is."

    Posted 11 years ago #
  9. truthmod

    The "false flag" meme is getting out there quite a lot following the Boston bombings. The Atlantic at least takes a little time to explain what it is and some history. Strangely, the Atlantic seems sure that the events in Boston were not a false flag operation, even though there has yet to be a thorough investigation or the naming or suspects or a trial. That's not journalism.

    What Is a 'False Flag' Attack, and What Does Boston Have to Do with This?

    What is a "false flag" attack?

    The term originates with naval warfare. For centuries, ships have sailed under a flag identifying their nationality. During times of war, ships would sometimes change the national flag they flew in order to fool other vessels that they sought to attack or escape from. They would fly, in other words, a "false flag." The term then expanded to mean any scenario under which a military attack was undertaken by a person or organization pretending to be something else.

    What the questioner was asking, then, was: Did the United States government orchestrate this attack, pretending to be a terrorist organization of some sort, in order to justify expanded security powers? Is There Historical Precedent for Such a Move by a Government?

    There is.

    The most famous example, however, is contentious. Conspiracy theorists (of which there are a lot in America) often suggest that the 1933 fire at the Reichstag in Berlin was a "false flag" operation by the Nazis to consolidate power and undermine the Communist Party. This is still a subject of debate among historians, some of whom think the man convicted of the crime, Marinus van der Lubbe, was actually responsible. In 1998, a German court exonerated van der Lubbe.

    The nexus of fascist government manipulation and phony disasters has proven difficult for theorists to resist. Following most attacks similar to Monday's bombings, there have been accusations that they serve as a tool of government oppression.

    For example, the murders at Sandy Hook Elementary were quickly labeled a "false flag" operation by conspiracy theorists, the implication being that the Obama administration wanted to use the tragedy to tighten gun restrictions. If that was the president's goal, the Senate wasn't on board with it.


    Are elected officials legally obligated to reveal that they're participating in a "false flag" operation, like how cops are with entrapment?

    Well, first of all, undercover police don't have to identify themselves if asked.

    And second, no. If the Boston attack had been a "false flag" attack, Gov. Patrick would have responded "no" anyway. Asking the question reveals nothing about the situation, but an awful lot about the questioner.

    So, was the marathon bombing a "false flag" operation?


    Posted 11 years ago #
  10. truthmod

    This is the Infowars reporter who asked the questions during the press conference. It sounded like he could barely string together a sentence.


    Posted 11 years ago #
  11. truthmover

    It helps them contextualise the fear and helplessness that follow a tragedy of this magnitude, experts say. It gives people a false sense of control.

    That was the underlying meme for all of the 10th anniversary hit pieces I compiled here:

    Skepticism is based on psychological needs and not political or historical insight. It fits with the widely held notion that 'conspiracy theorists' are like the guy in that picture above. A bit off.

    Nothing about this attack suggested a false flag attack to me. The date, the target, and the weapon used suggest right-wing fanatic. The attack wasn't large enough to really force through any legislation or justify increased police budgets. The thing I heard most in coverage today was that 'this sort of thing is unavoidable,' which isn't exactly beating the drums of war.

    More importantly, while speculation is natural, it makes sense to wait at least a couple days for some information before getting too serious about the conspiracy theories. We may end up with footage of some regular guy putting a bomb in a trashcan.

    People like Alex Jones would have all his fans so skeptical of mainstream media that they won't even believe basic reported facts. And that leads people to silliness like TV Fakery. On the other hand, I'll admit being a bit like that when it comes to any mention of Al Qaeda.

    Bottom line for me is that we should be waiting for evidence. An absence of information is only so telling.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  12. truthmod

    Obama Adversaries to be Blamed For Boston Attack?
    Paul Joseph Watson
    April 16, 2013

    Given the fact that Barack Obama’s political career was launched in the living room of infamous domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, the notion that his administration would use terror to further their agenda is hardly a far fetched idea.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  13. truthmover

    The five weirdest Boston bombing conspiracy theories yet

    Posted 11 years ago #
  14. truthmod

    Strange to see all the conspiracy theorizing so front and center so quickly. Of course, no one in the MSM is allowed to give honest questions any credence, but the fact they are even talking about this stuff is surprising.

    FBI interviewed dead Boston bombing suspect years ago

    The FBI admitted Friday they interviewed the now-deceased Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev two years ago and failed to find any incriminating information about him.


    Although the FBI initially denied contacting Tsarnaev, the brothers' mother said they had in an interview with Russia Today.

    GOP Rep. embraces Boston conspiracy theory

    Mother Of Boston Bombing Suspects Says FBI Was In Contact With Her Son

    Could This Be Why Some Chechens Think Tsarnaev Brothers Were Framed for Bombings?

    Suspects’ dad: ‘Someone framed them’ and ‘coward’ cops killed them

    Aunt Alleges Conspiracy To Frame Boston Bombing Suspect (VIDEO)

    Posted 11 years ago #
  15. truthmod

    4chan Think Tank on Boston Photos

    I don't know but these guys look a little bit suspicious:


    Posted 11 years ago #
  16. truthmod

    'They were set up, FBI followed them for years'- Tsarnaevs' mother to RT

    Posted 11 years ago #
  17. truthmod

    “Contractors” at Boston Marathon Stood Near Bomb, Left Before Detonation

    What appear to be private contractors, wearing unmarked, matching uniforms and operating an unmarked SUV affixed with communication equipment near the finish line of the Boston Marathon shortly after the bomb blasts – can be seen beforehand, standing and waiting just meters away from where the first bomb was detonated.

    The contractor-types had moved away from the bomb’s location before it detonated, and could be seen just across the street using communication equipment and waiting for similar dressed and equipped individuals to show up after the blasts.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  18. truthmod

    Interesting to see some of the right wing media and politicians jumping on board with the conspiracy theories.

    Men with backpacks at Boston Marathon private contractors?

    WASHINGTON, April 18, 2013 — Federal and local authorities have yet to comment on the identity of what appears to be a team of operatives photographed at the Boston Marathon bombing site wearing black backpacks, tactical boots and pants and communication equipment. At least one of them wore a hat emblazoned with a skull insignia similar to insignias used by private contractors Craft International and Blackwater USA (renamed Xe Services then Academi), and Navy SEAL teams 3 and 5.

    The men were also photographed after the explosion meeting at the finish line behind a black SUV with US Government license plates and satellite communication equipment on the roof. Men with backpacks at the scene, possibly Craft International contractors. (Anonymous)

    Men with backpacks at the scene, possibly Craft International contractors. (Anonymous) reports that the photographs were sent to them by Anonymous, along with photos of two possible suspects the FBI asked media not to distribute, but which were later posted by the Drudge Report. The two men were subsequently cleared by the FBI, reports the NY Post.

    Shortly after the explosions, several of the operatives ran toward the scene, and one was photographed using what appears to be a radiation detector at the finish line.

    Before the photos were released, there were reports that a suspect had been identified and a lone domestic terrorist was in custody.

    CNN first blogged at 1:46pm on Wednesday afternoon, “an arrest has been made in connection with Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings, sources tell CNN’s John King and CNN contributor Fran Townsend. King’s source is with Boston law enforcement, he said; Townsend’s source is with federal law enforcement.”

    Posted 11 years ago #
  19. truthmod

    Suspect's Twitter account features tweets from after the bombing and before they were identified in the media. Does not sound like a guy who just pulled off bombing. He also tweeted 9/11 truth statements....

    Posted 11 years ago #
  20. truthmod

    After a four day manhunt that ended with the death overnight Thursday of Tamerlan Tsarnaev and the capture Friday night of his younger brother, Dzhokhar , Boston’s relief had not even dissipated before Washington’s debates kicked in. “We remain under threat from radical Islam and we hope the Obama Administration will seriously consider the enemy combatant option,” said GOP Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain, referring to their preference that Dzhokhar, an American citizen, not be read Miranda rights or given the right to counsel.


    The bigger problem for the administration comes not from the current interviews with Dzhokhar, but with the interviews conducted two years ago with his now deceased brother, Tamerlan. Since he was identified as a suspect Thursday, there were already indications circulating in the media that Tamerlan had embraced Islamic extremism. But Friday night we learned that the FBI had actually been warned of his increasingly dangerous ideological bent by a foreign government and had investigated the matter.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  21. truthmover

    Miranda Rights Won't Be Read For Boston Bombing Suspect: Justice Official

    Posted 11 years ago #
  22. truthmod

    Dzhokhar Tsarnaev 'Acted Like Nothing Happened' Day After Marathon, Friend Says

    One day after the Boston Marathon bombings, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev spent time at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where he was enrolled as a student and "acted like nothing happened," according to a friend at the campus.

    Tsarnaev, 19, is believed to be one of the suspects behind the bombing of the Boston Marathon on Monday that killed three people and injured more than 170.

    Andrew Glasby told ABC News that Tsarnaev lived one floor above him at the Pine Dale dormitory and he had a conversation with the alleged bomber one full day after the bombing on the campus.


    "I can't believe he had the balls to come back and act like nothing happened," Glasby said.

    UMass would only confirm that Tsarnaev was on the campus Wednesday, according to card swipes. Tsarnaev visited the gym and slept in his dorm room Wednesday, according to the school.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  23. truthmod

    Friend Calls Bombing Suspect 'Druggie,' Says He Must Have Been High or Following Brother

    One of Tsarnaev's soccer buddies paused as he left UMass-Dartmouth today to say he had a hard time believing the younger Tsarnaev would commit the attack of his own accord and called the suspect "a little bit of a druggie."

    READ MORE - Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Twitter Account Appears to Be @J_tsar

    "He was just a quiet guy. Never really spoke much about his family, never really spoke much about politics, but he didn't seem like a bad guy. He was a fun guy to hang out with. He was a funny guy," Ahmad, who preferred not to give his last name, told ABC News. "If it actually was him or his brother, I would definitely say the only scenario would be if it was his brother's doing mainly or he was extremely high on drugs, because he's not the guy.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  24. truthmod

    I'm not wasting too much time analyzing it, but this RI thread has been hijacked and trolled to death. I don't have the patience to wade through it for anything worthwhile. Suspicious. No moderation going on.

    The user "FourthBase" has completely derailed the discussion from what I can tell.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  25. truthmod

    The Marathon Bombing: What the Media Didn’t Warn You About
    By Russ Baker on Apr 19, 2013

    On CBS, a purported expert declared, “It could be Al Qaeda, it could be someone influenced by Al Qaeda, or it could be a domestic lone wolf” –when in fact it could have been anything at all, including a whole bunch of domestic non-Al Qaeda non-lone wolves. This man provided nothing useful in any way beyond conventional stereotypes. What he did do was define the permissible bounds of public conjecture.

    Another thing that keeps us hooked is the promise of being re-traumatized in as many ways as possible. Show us that bomb going off again, please. Let’s see new pictures of the killed and injured in happier times. Let’s see closeups of gnarled detritus, and, on occasion with disclaimers that young children ought not watch, at least a hint of blood and gore. Let us “empathize,” and feel good about ourselves for doing so.

    Posted 11 years ago #

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