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looks like able danger has been "debunked"... (2 posts)

  1. truthmod

    looks like able danger has been "debunked"...

    WASHINGTON — A lengthy Senate investigation has debunked charges by a Republican congressman that military analysts identified Mohamed Atta and other Sept. 11 hijackers before the attacks, according to a committee aide familiar with the report.

    In a letter to members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sens. Pat Roberts and John D. Rockefeller dismissed suggestions by Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., that defense analysts ignored analysis that could have prevented the attacks. Roberts, R-Kan., is outgoing chairman and Rockefeller, of West Virginia, is the senior Democrat who will assume the chairmanship next month

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    Debunked, but not forgotten.

    They've really gone after Weldon since he dropped this story. Given the extent to which his character has been attacked since then, I could see the Bush Senate 'officially' ending this matter, delivering the final blow. It all got swept into the realm of national security. But then what does that all suggest?

    Seems like someone is hiding something. But, of course, if this is a really good Red Herring, the final step is leaving some doubt open that promotes continued speculation among the skeptical crowd, in order that they continue to be distracted and discredit themselves. Either way, this story doesn't look like its got much more life in it.

    Thankfully, many of us were ready for this. Able Danger is not essential to our probable cause to suspect complicity. If it panned out, great! But if not, we keep moving forward.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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