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more attack pieces...not even worth reading... (2 posts)

  1. truthmod

    more attack pieces...not even worth reading...

    As a student of human nature, Benjamin Franklin knew that the demands of confidentiality are often little match for the gossip instinct. "Three may keep a secret," he wryly noted, "if two of them are dead." How much more difficult must it be for dozens of people - living, breathing, sentient people - to keep a secret? What about hundreds of people, or perhaps even thousands?

    Franklin's commonsense calculus finds little reception among conspiracy theorists like Kevin Barrett. A lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Barrett has earned widespread opprobrium for featuring "alternative theories" of the September 11 terrorist attacks in a course on Islamic religion and culture. Barrett's syllabus draws inspiration from his membership in Scholars for 9/11 Truth, an organization of professors, students, and other academics which argues that America's day of horrors was orchestrated by the United States government itself

    Posted 17 years ago #
  2. Secrets...

    These arguments always seem incredible to me... do people think that corporations and businesses do not keep secrets successfully for years? (Obviously there are many government precedents, but it seems people accept successful secrecy in business without thinking twice...)

    It also occurs to me that the secret has not been kept all that well, but it has been successfully compartmentalized. Note how all the different whistleblower's stories must be pieced together, and that there are serious gaps that keep people from putting the whole picture together. Good compartmentalization seems to be a scenario where multiple people in a line of command must all come forward with their account to make any coherent whole. Otherwise it is just guesswork at who is responsible, and how much they are responsible.

    Compatmentalization definitely sets up debating-points and a "you can't offer me a complete account of what happens" scenario in the public discourse, and even eliminates the need for keeping the whole thing secret.

    Posted 17 years ago #


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