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David Griscom was a referee of Active Thermitic (4 posts)

  1. nornnxx65

    A peer-reviewer of the "Active Thermitic Materials" paper identifies himself... Great! (posted by Steven Jones)

    Info about Griscom and questions I posed to Jones- his response follows:

    Screw Loose is making the most of it, unsurprisingly:

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. truthmod


    Was he "a peer reviewer" or "the peer reviewer?"


    I do not think that Prof. Griscom's studies on 9/11 "compromise" him as a reviewer -- he critiqued the paper critically as a scientist, giving (as he said) the authors twelve pages of comments and questions. This scientific thoroughness is unusual in a review (from my experience) -- very unusual.

    I do not know how the editors selected the reviewers, and I do not know the name of the other reviewer.

    So, there was one other reviewer?

    How about this for some speculation:

    Jones and this BYU operation were a disinformation setup. Maybe one or more of them is earnest in their research, but the situation was played to get more and more people talking about sure-fire evidence for controlled demolition.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. JohnA

    How about this for some speculation:

    Jones and this BYU operation were a disinformation setup. Maybe one or more of them is earnest in their research, but the situation was played to get more and more people talking about sure-fire evidence for controlled demolition.

    It is certainly a distinct possibility - but at the moment i think the only thing we can say with any level of credibility and conviction is that the nano-thermite 'theory' has not been independently verified - and remains unproven and dangerously speculative to our cause.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  4. mark

    Given how this "theory" was used to discredit the 9/11 truth movement, that probably answers the speculation.

    NORAD? suppressed warnings? No need to highlight those things for the "new truth" movement.

    Posted 14 years ago #


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