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9/11 Street Actions (3 posts)

  1. M-r-Anderson

    Am I the only one frustrated about film screenings and street actions regarding the topic of 9/11?

    I feel like it's more productive to find a small group; 2 - 4 and work on it that way.

    Any thoughts...

    Posted 14 years ago #
  2. truthmover

    Here's the basics of how we dealt with street action.

    Talking to people or getting them to go to a website are the two primary benefits of street action. Our banner had a statement that got people's attention with our website address very visible beneath it.

    Telling people to Google something is NOT the best idea because they will find the debunking crap too.

    Freeway bannering is relatively useless, unless your banner is one big, very easy to remember web address, as it only serves the purpose of letting people know we are out there, which they already know and either like or hate us.

    Four people seemed to be a good number for a couple reasons. You need two people to hold the banner. Flyering without a banner is really inefficient. And then you need a couple people to hand out flyers an talk to people. Even in NYC, in the most populated locations we never had more than a couple of people at a time stop to talk to us, so having more people doesn't necessarily help. In fact I think it makes people more intimidated to approach because of how much attention they receive.

    If you have eight people, split up into two groups and go to different locations. I found it sad that WAC and NY911Truth used to go to Ground Zero every weekend with 10 people. They could have covered more territory and after they saw us doing it, eventually did. Also, even with the most mature people, you need to keep each other in check. When the group gets too big, someone always does something embarrassing. Get out to different ethnic neighborhoods, if you have them, and see what different people think about the issue.

    Remember that you aren't there to preach to the choir. Don't get into long conversations with supporters. That's a big one because most people like the feeling of being recognized. But it's just no the point.

    Don't ever loudly insult someone who has insulted you. Others will hear you. Demonstrate to people that you are calmer and more logical than them and a few will feel guilty or curious and get into the facts with you. Those are often the best conversations. Don't ever be condescending. Remember that you are out there to teach.

    Know the laws and don't let the police intimidate you. They will try and you can just tell them to have a nice day.

    So those are some recommendations based on all our experience. It's all common sense to me, but as you suggest, people aren't all that creative or reasonable when it comes to the comfort of having a routine or feeling in charge.

    Film screenings only attract the choir at this point and are really only good for drumming up enthusiasm among participants.

    Posted 14 years ago #
  3. Mr-Anderson

    Thankyou :)

    I'll consider those points and bring them up to people. It's up to them whether they absorb what I'm going to advise we do or not.

    And yet if I just stopped doing street actions and gathering donations for materials it would more or less halt.

    Such is life. I suppose you need to remind yourself that your either out there doing something or at home doing nothing.

    Posted 14 years ago #


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