Over at TruthMove, where the folks even more responsible than the Truth Action Truthers hang out, a Paul Kenyon posts his proof of the Troof:
John Albanese, correctly, laughs at Kenyon, but unfortunately this just encourages him to continue on with his theorizing:
Well, Truth Move is apparently full of those jaded types who've been hearing about "conclusive evidence" for years now. They're not interested in evidence, they're interested in "just asking questions" and "supporting the family members". So they tell the guy to take his "evidence" elsewhere. So far, so good. Kenyon claims to be an engineer:
One more time. We don't have to work at making Truthers look like dolts; it's a given. Kenyon's an idiot, and the folks panning him for his idiocy are right. They're dolts too; they believe in 9-11 Troof while studiously avoiding evidence, which ain't exactly the scientific method. But Kenyon's more of a dope.