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Transparent MO (4 posts)

  1. thatsmystory

    This MO seems designed to make it obvious that the named perp could not have been solely responsible for committing the crime. OTOH, the cover up seems intended to withhold evidence leading to other perps. One obvious question--why would the MO call for transparency if that meant the government/media would have to work so hard to cover up the truth? Why not just make it look like a lone nut (JFK assassination) or 19 al Qaeda operatives did it by themselves? After all, isn't it beneficial for the perps to fool the public into believing all is well in their democratic state? For whatever reason it seems the objectives of the transparent MO are more important than any complications related to the cover up. Objectives=intimidate, demoralize and confuse anyone who isn't fooled by the propaganda.

    It isn't always easy to distinguish between real sloppiness and intentional "sloppiness." For sure it's a mistake to chalk up all anomalies to intentional aspects of a transparent MO. That said, it sure appears like the priority of some key terrorist attacks/assassinations is not the concealment of complicity by unnamed perps. It's confusing because it runs counter to all conventional understanding of criminality and because so much effort is expended to cover up the crime.

    Naomi Wolf explainedit quite well:

    I have a section in the book about how lies in a fascist shift serve a different purpose than they do in a democracy. In a democracy, people lie to deceive. In a fascist shift, lies serve to disorient. Lies in the service of a fascist shift make it hard for citizens to trust their own judgment about what's real and what's not. Once citizens don't know what's real and what's not real, they are profoundly disempowered. The Bush administration seems to have learned that lesson, and they regularly name things the opposite. And there's a long historical precedent for making people feel that there is no such thing as truth.

    The effects of the disorientation are enhanced by authoritarianism:

    1) Double standards are considered ok simply because it is implied that powerful people should not be held accountable.

    2) Secrecy and obstruction of justice are ok simply because it is implied that powerful officials are acting in good faith despite the lack of evidence to support such a conclusion.

    3) Citizens who object to policies that are illegal are often considered out of line simply because they have the gall to question the actions of powerful officials.

    BTW, I use the name "noise" on some other forums. Real name is Mike. I've read the exchanges on this forum for a while and am impressed with the content and tone.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. newcomer

    Thatsmystory, some very pertinent thoughts from you, which align to some extent with my thinking. Transparent MO = deeds hidden in plain sight. Then perception management follows, mainly through the use of Kafkaesque distortions, as anyone who's read East European history can attest. "Lies serve to disorientate ... make it harder for citizens to trust their own judgement," as Naomi Wolf so aptly puts it.

    Once you've got citizens on the back foot - not sure who to trust and doubting their own senses (eye, ears, inner logic) - they are disempowered and vulnerable to authority. In transactional psychology terms, disempowered people regress to the frightened, passive Child who has no agency of its own and is dependent on the Adult, who is perceived to have authority and control.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  3. truthmod

    Welcome to the TruthMove forum, thatsmystory. I also appreciate your thoughts on the psychology of "their" MO.

    I think that some of this may be true--that the perpetrators may actually not care whether their crimes can be deciphered by a tiny, marginal percentage of the population. And it may help them to have these people identify themselves by displaying their awareness. But they also have a hell of a time writing the script for the cover story and lining up a backstory, often times over the course of years. For Oswald, there was the whole communist connection, which clearly had it's problems but was fairly complex and probably stuck in many people's minds as legitimate. The al Qaeda thing is similar, and I'm wondering if some of these "obvious" holes in the official fairytale are due more to the operational difficulties in scripting a massive public crime meant to be decoded in a certain (false) way, than in any real intentional tipping of their hand.

    The perpetrators know beforehand that a certain niche segment of the populace will see right through their games. But that's not especially important when compared with the scripting of an effective story for the large portion of well-conditioned people who will swallow whatever is told to them.

    I think that passing big lies is similar to casting spells. And yes, like the brainwashing techniques inform us, getting people to accept something that is obviously ludicrous and untrue, increases your power over them. It's a strategy to make them helpless, dependent, and malleable. Each time the population lets the rulers pull another fast one on them, the population's ability to understand their predicament and fight back is decreased. The authorities are always playing on parent/child psychology and these big lies are their favorite weapon.

    Posted 15 years ago #
  4. thatsmystory

    Another related aspect is the incompetence explanation.

    1) Used in relation to government failing to achieve publicly stated goals. We are told Iraq was supposed to be a thriving democracy but the US architects were incompetent. They didn't properly plan for the stated goal.

    2) Used in relation to unexplained government conduct. For example, CIA, NSA and FBI withholding of information about al Qaeda operatives inside the US.

    It's an extremely effective meme. Reinforces the authoritarianism by giving people an outlet for their doubts.

    Posted 15 years ago #


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