Thanks for the reply and encouragement
I will correct the factual error you pointed out.
One of the aspects of 911 truth seeking which has been of special interest to me is the way in which 9/11 alternative research is sometimes indirectly linked with other ideas such as denial of the holocaust or the proposition that the Apollo moon landings were faked. I have yet to see any convincing evidence of either of these propositions, but there is an association created by people such as Eric Hufschmid, who otherwise presented quite clear and lucid arguments about the WTC demolition etc...
I have noticed that James Fetzer ( of scholars for 911 Truth ) indirectly supports the "Apollo was faked" theory. I have also read some very scathing criticisms of his work on the JFK evidence.
Steven Jones is of course a Mormon, and while that is of no direct concern, his paper asserting evidence for Christ's visit to America casts a big shadow of doubt on his credibility as an empirical scientist.
It is possible to take a generous interpretation of all this and merely note that there are many views on many subjects, not all of which we need agree with. It is not that simple however. There is a pattern to all of this, which is far from accidental. It is part of what they call "information warfare", and ignoring it or minimizing its importance is a big mistake.
Notice how the early 911 conspiracy theories were dominated by the "pod" and "missile flash" propositions. These were presented as prima facie evidence in version 1 of Dylan Avery's film and in "911 In Plane Site". I thought those theories were silly at the time because the only evidence presented was blurry photographs, as in so many UFO stories. Those theories, IMO, damaged the 911 truth movement because they were so silly that they turned off many people to the whole spectrum of thought on alternative 9/11 theories.
I'm interested in researching this whole area. I'm sure there is much to be learned by investigating the invesigators.