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NYCCAN (1 post)

  1. christs4sale

    On this blog on 9/11 Blogger: it says that the Ballot Initiative has been "reorganized" and Ted Walter seems to be in a lead position. First, is Les Jamieson out of the picture?

    Second, I met Ted Walter, or I believe it was him (I was only given a first name), this past summer when he was collecting signatures for the Ballot Initiative in Brooklyn. I told him about Jamieson and I remember him saying that he had certain issues with Les' leadership and he seemed to be well-read on the topic of 9/11. One major issue I had was that he felt that the WTC being controlled demolitions was a vital argument to the cause. He gave accolades to Kevin Ryan and Stephen Jones, but he definitely did not like my position of: regardless of whether it is true or not, pushing it into the forefront of issues hurts the movement. I meet plenty of people that I do not see eye-to-eye with on many things, but I did not feel like talking to him was very constructive. It could have just been personalities though.

    My experience with many of the Ballot Initiative members is that they are interested to hear criticisms of Les at the time, but after the conversation ends, they just go back to doing what they were doing. I always say do not take my word on it and look into his background if you can.

    At this point, people should hold the same scrutiny for any emerging leader of a group and if the person is not willing to be transparent and willing to undergo a certain degree of collective questioning, then go to the next person.

    Here is a picture. He is second to the right:

    If there are any events in NYC regarding this that I could attend, in the capacity of a reporter only (I have no interest getting involved with this), then let me know. I usually tend to find out about these events after the fact.

    Posted 15 years ago #


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