This is a good friend of mine fromberkeley. He was shot in the head with a "high velocity tear gas canister" last Friday by Israeli Secutiry forces during a protest against the wall. He is in critical condition now in the hospital, and had to have part of his frontal lobe removed. He is an amazing person. Fun, bright, intelligent, and a committed activist. Unfortunately I am leaving NYC tomorrow, but if you can make it please go.
Hi all,
Please help spread the word by sending this out to all your New York City friends and related groups- and of course by coming if you're in the city! If you're not in New York, we also really encourage you to organize an event wherever you are.
NYC event: Solidarity with Tristan Anderson and the People of Palestine Friday, March 20, 2009 4:00pm - 6:00pm Israeli Consulate 800 2nd Ave btwn 42nd and 43rd Streets New York, NY
Thanks so much, Tristan's NYC friends