A well intended and interesting post over on 911blogger. Interesting, but not worth some of the arguments I'd get into posting a response elsewhere.
The great majority of the 9/11 Truth Community reject ideas or theories that are without merit as they believe this will marginalise, dilute, confuse and isolate us as a movement. They "the Big Tenter's" feel that we "the people" can figure out what is garbage and what is not and they should be able to present their ideas and theories on an equal footing to us in the name of free speech, regardless of their quality. ...
Truth is not ENTERTAINMENT, for entertainment and titillation are the enemies of truth, as they distract the mind and blur it's focus. I love to be entertained and distracted from time to time especially in this war torn world, that is normal and healthy. But just as I do not "drink and drive" I will not allow myself to be intoxicated with wild ideas or theories while pursuing "the truth" that we know is proven and concise.
One disagreement and a contradiction that demonstrates the difficulty in taking this position. You can't exclude from criticism the people you would like to support.
There are some groups like WeAreChange for example that aim to broaden the 9/11 Truth Movement in a logical and relevant way. ... WAC has always supported evidence based arguments and has stayed away from unneeded speculation. Their main goal is the pursuit of truth and justice for victims of the 9/11 Attacks while exposing the fraud of the "War on Terror", it's consequences and the Globalist NWO agenda. This is a highly practical and logical approach indeed.
And here are a couple of stories considered news over on the WeAreChange home site.
Partisan propaganda:
The Obama Fraud: An Open Video to Barack Obama Supporters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FptGQrqxZVw
Anti human global warming:
Former astronaut speaks out on global warming http://news.bostonherald.com/news/national/general...
Sensationalistic AJ crap:
NH to Secede over Obama NWO Agenda (Posted without "NWO" on WAC site.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s6b-yYvfp8&eur...
Defense of the NWO conspiracy and people pushing crap like the links above doesn't square with what I consider to be a discerning approach to 9/11 truth advocated in the essay.
Principle before association. Never easy or simple.