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FOX News (2 posts)

  1. emanuel

    This is from Fox News a week ago. Now I don't spend a lot of time watching the mainstream news, but this is amazing to me. They have this guy on, Gerald Celente, predicting total collapse. I mean he's saying everything many of us have been saying and more. Food and tax riots in the US coming in the next few years. Nothing Obama can do. The end of Christmas as a gift-giving season. The greatest depression ever seen in history. Relocalization will happen. No more growth. Etc., etc.

    This is FOX NEWS remember. The game has always been not to scare investors, to keep up public confidence for the sake of the equity markets. It's like they don't care anymore. This is really it, folks. I hope you all are ready for the "change" Obama has promised.


    Posted 15 years ago #
  2. truthmod

    Celente's site:

    The caption FOX runs with the Celente segment is "Predicting Obama's Impact." Fox loves the doomsday predictions when they can tie them to Obama.

    Not once in the segment do they make the point that these problems were created before Obama was elected (he's still not in office yet, correct?).

    I think collapse is inevitable, whether slow or fast, but I'm not going to take Fox's word on anything.

    Posted 15 years ago #


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